[Opinions] Triplet girls
I was watching Make Room for Multiples this week and there were triplet girls named Jordan Rebecca, Olivia Erin and Isabella Melissa. I think Jordan is really out of place in that sibset. Any thoughts?Also the mom was Abigail & her sister was Rebecca, which are 2 of my top 3 names.
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In stead of Jordan Rebecca it should have been Rebecca Jordan. It fits better and sounds better.
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I agree
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I love Olivia, but the rest are nms. :)
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I love Olivia, but the rest are nms. :)
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They're okay. I only think Jordan's out of place popularity-wise.
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I actually really like the set. I think they have enough variety that it all clicks very nicely. Rebecca and Melissa have a similar feel to me as do Jordan and Erin and Olivia and Isabella. I also kind of appreciate that they didn't get all matchy matchy with the kids names cause they're multiples.I really like Olivia Erin as a combo too, though the other combos I think are mediocre. It seems like everyone goes for Olivia long feminine name or Olivia one syllable semi-filler name, so it's really nice to see a sweet and slightly different middle name with it.
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Yes, I agree, Jordan is very misplaced next to Isabella and Olivia.
Also, Isabella Melissa is pretty frilly, when Jordan Rebecca and Olivia Erin are not so much.
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Jordan is really out of place, and totally looks weird with a classic like Rebecca. Isabella Melissa doesn't sit right with me either. But Olivia Erin is wonderful, and I don't know why. I don't really even like Olivia, but it's such a vibrant combo.
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I think Jordan looks out of place too, Olivia and Isabella are both frilly girly names.
Something like these would have been much more fitting:Olivia, Isabella and Amelia
Olivia, Isabella and Sophia
Olivia, Isabella and Mia
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Olivia, Isabella, and Sophia would fit much better, I really like it.
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