I have no idea what to call this, but you follow the instructions however many times you need to.
Here's the dice:
1.))) Roll for Gender [use any die]
Odd #: Boy
Even#: Girl
2.))) Roll for hair color [use 12-sided die]
1. Brown
2. Blonde
3. Black
4. Red
5. Dirty Blonde
6. Auburn
7. Strawberry Blonde
8. Light Brown
9. Dark Red
10. Dark Brown
11. Light Red
12. White Blonde
3.))) Roll for eye color [use 10-sided die]
1. Brown
2. Blue
3. Brown
4. Blue
5. Choice (even colors not listed)
6. Brown
7. Blue
8. Brown
9. Green
10. Brown
4.))) Roll for personality [use 12-sided die]
1. Competitive
2. Conceited
3. Hyper
4. Optimistic
5. Pesimistic
6. Mean
7. Smart
8. Serious
9. Generous
10. Weird (in whatever way you want)
11. Athletic
12. Artisic
If you get, say, optimistic and pesimistic, feel free to roll again.
5.))) Roll #4 again
6.))) Roll for height/weight [use 8-sided die]
1. Tall/Thin
2. Norm/Plump
3. Short/Plump
4. Short/Thin
5. Tall/Plump
6. Norm/Norm
7. Norm/Thin
8. Tall/Norm
7.))) Roll for name type [use 12-sided die]
1. Virtue
2. Nature
3. Classic
4. Trendy/Popular
5. Biblical
6. International
7. Unisex
8. Color
9. Mineral/Metal
10. Space
11. Vintage
12. 10+ letters
8.))) Roll for first letter [use 6-sided die]
1. A-D
2. E-H
3. I-L
4. M-P
5. Q-U
6. V-Z
If you can't find a name, or can't find enough names, try again (I have no way of knowing if you didn't even bother to roll)
9.))) Name your person
Name the person so it fits the specifications. You can do a family if you like. You choose the family roles and everything. Have fun.
10.))) Post or go through again.
Have fun!!!!!