[Opinions] Re: What would your name have been...
by queenv (guest)
7/1/2012, 8:53 AM
My name would have been Moore. I'm very glad I'm not named Moore. It does seem to fit in fine with some of the surnames that are being used on girls now--I've heard of baby girls being named Miller and Emerson and the like, and Moore is no worse than them, but as we all probably know by now, this is a fashion that I abhor.
What I have always thought is that my mother should have made my brother's middle name Moore. He was given the same first name as his father, but a different middle name, so he wasn't a Junior, anyway. His name is John Richard--his father's first name was John, and Richard was the name of my mother's brother. But I could never see my mother using that name to honor her brother, being that she wasn't at all close to her brother and never even seemed to like him much. She did tell me that she was planning on calling my brother Ricky but it didn't take---he ended up being called Johnny. So I guess that was the rationale behind Richard. Being that it didn't take, though, I've always thought that John Moore would have been a lot better.