[Opinions] Re: quints and sextuplets from tv
in reply to a message by Andie
I've seen this show. Cute kids. :)
DH: Steven
DW: Lyndsey
Brianna - blech
Taylor - blech
Alexis Dianna - nms; Diana Alexis would've been ok
Joshua Stanley - blah
Anthony Frank - blah
Julian Matthew - Julian rocks
Jiliana Hattie - I like Hattie as a nn for Harriet, but what's a Jiliana?? And why three random J names and 2 A names within a quint set? That just bothers me, but I'm weird. lol
I LOVE the Dilley family. I've been watching the specials done on them since their birth. :b
DH: Keith
DW: Becki
*Ok, I LOVE their names separately but not necessarily as a set. Adrian, Julian, and Ian are all way too similar for brothers imo. But I still think they have some of the best multiple-set names I've seen on these shows. :)

DH: Steven
DW: Lyndsey
Brianna - blech
Taylor - blech
Alexis Dianna - nms; Diana Alexis would've been ok
Joshua Stanley - blah
Anthony Frank - blah
Julian Matthew - Julian rocks
Jiliana Hattie - I like Hattie as a nn for Harriet, but what's a Jiliana?? And why three random J names and 2 A names within a quint set? That just bothers me, but I'm weird. lol
I LOVE the Dilley family. I've been watching the specials done on them since their birth. :b
DH: Keith
DW: Becki
*Ok, I LOVE their names separately but not necessarily as a set. Adrian, Julian, and Ian are all way too similar for brothers imo. But I still think they have some of the best multiple-set names I've seen on these shows. :)