[Opinions] Missandei...
GP only, of course, but I'm reading "A Song of Ice and Fire" and developing a soft spot for the name Missandei, so I thought I'd post about it here. What are your thoughts on Missandei (g)? What combos can you think of, and how would you pronounce it? (I pronounce it MISS-ahn-day).
I'm reading one of the Song of Ice and Fire books, too!
I'm pretty partial to Missandei, though I don't think I'd want to see it on a kid in real life. Missy would be a good nickname, though.
I'm pretty partial to Missandei, though I don't think I'd want to see it on a kid in real life. Missy would be a good nickname, though.
Well, my first impression is that it may be somewhat similar in sound to Melisende, with the "el" sound removed and "ei" added on, which I initially pronounced as a long "i" sound, as in Lorelei. So, my interpretation came out more like "mi-SAWN-die".
I'm guessing the author must not have included a pronunciation key. That always peeves me, when authors use names readers are not likely familiar with, or created names with ambiguous spellings, and don't provide the pronunciation.
I'm guessing the author must not have included a pronunciation key. That always peeves me, when authors use names readers are not likely familiar with, or created names with ambiguous spellings, and don't provide the pronunciation.