[Opinions] Re: Malcolm, Thekla and Thisbe
Since this is off topic I won't say more than this on the subject. I think DS9 is my favorite Star Trek series, I mean I love Next Generation and Voyager but I love all of the DS9 characters and they have consistently good episodes and very intriguing subject matter and an in-depth look into three very interesting alien cultures. I barely remembered anything about DS9 before rewatching it and I hadn't watched that much of it when I was a kid but my partner said it was great so we started watching it last year and I loved it.I also like the Original Series and Enterprise was just okay from what I've seen though I have still not seen all of Enterprise. My favorites are definitely DS9, NG, and Voyager.
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Malcolm, Thekla and Thisbe  ·  vigdis  ·  4/15/2013, 2:11 PM
Re: Malcolm, Thekla and Thisbe  ·  AnaNicole  ·  4/16/2013, 12:03 PM
Re: Malcolm, Thekla and Thisbe  ·  erb816  ·  4/15/2013, 9:26 PM
Re: Malcolm, Thekla and Thisbe  ·  Havilah  ·  4/15/2013, 7:48 PM
Re: Malcolm, Thekla and Thisbe  ·  Gator Snout  ·  4/15/2013, 6:08 PM
Re: Malcolm, Thekla and Thisbe  ·  Alcyone  ·  4/15/2013, 6:07 PM
Re: Malcolm, Thekla and Thisbe  ·  findthesea  ·  4/15/2013, 5:03 PM
Re: Malcolm, Thekla and Thisbe  ·  Crista  ·  4/15/2013, 5:00 PM
Re: Malcolm, Thekla and Thisbe  ·  humblebee  ·  4/15/2013, 4:46 PM
Re: Malcolm, Thekla and Thisbe  ·  Elena  ·  4/15/2013, 4:29 PM
Re: Malcolm, Thekla and Thisbe *Added commentary*  ·  Serafina Starstrider  ·  4/15/2013, 4:07 PM
Re: Malcolm, Thekla and Thisbe  ·  vigdis  ·  4/15/2013, 4:12 PM
Re: Malcolm, Thekla and Thisbe  ·  Serafina Starstrider  ·  4/15/2013, 4:53 PM
Re: Malcolm, Thekla and Thisbe  ·  vigdis  ·  4/15/2013, 9:07 PM
Re: Malcolm, Thekla and Thisbe  ·  Serafina Starstrider  ·  4/16/2013, 12:04 AM
Re: Malcolm, Thekla and Thisbe  ·  vigdis  ·  4/16/2013, 12:24 PM
Re: Malcolm, Thekla and Thisbe  ·  Serafina Starstrider  ·  4/16/2013, 4:49 PM
yay.  ·  vigdis  ·  4/15/2013, 3:12 PM
Re: yay.  ·  Billina  ·  4/15/2013, 3:18 PM
Re: yay.  ·  vigdis  ·  4/15/2013, 3:48 PM
Re: yay.  ·  Billina  ·  4/15/2013, 4:31 PM
Re: Malcolm, Thekla and Thisbe  ·  Billina  ·  4/15/2013, 3:07 PM
Re: Malcolm, Thekla and Thisbe  ·  Wordsmith  ·  4/15/2013, 2:30 PM
Re: Malcolm, Thekla and Thisbe  ·  Bear  ·  4/15/2013, 2:28 PM
Re: Malcolm, Thekla and Thisbe  ·  RoxStar  ·  4/15/2013, 2:19 PM
lol  ·  Serafina Starstrider  ·  4/15/2013, 4:02 PM