I really like
Vita. Out of your list, my top favourites are:
Vita Bryony- though I prefer
BrionyVita Celandine- just so pretty
Vita Charmion- I don't know if it's tacky but I like it
Vita Chloe-
Chloe grounds
Vita a little
Vita Gwendolen- so sweet
Vita Laurentine- so classy
Vita Leontine- just so beautiful
Vita Marigold- daring, certainly
Vita Marjorie /
Marjory- brings a bit of old-fashioned sweetness to zappy Vitta
Vita Pascale- j'adore les noms Francais
Vita Rosamond /
Rosamund /
Rosemonde- all quaint and elegant
Vita Roxane- oh, I love
RoxaneVita Ségolène- this is a new favourite
Vita Winifred- I don't normally like
Winifred but
Vita makes it lovely
Vita Xanthippe- rounds off
Xanthe gorgeously
Vita Zosime- so elegant
"You can have freedom, or you can have peace. But not both at once."
Mon PNL:
~ 2angelgoats