[Opinions] Re: Purdey
in reply to a message by Katie
I would not call any of those names popular except just possibly Arabella, because it is so similar in style to Annabelle and Isabella, both of which are very popular.
And I've never once heard of anybody with Purdey or any variation of it as a first name. I have seen it as a last name once or twice, but that's it. Where in the world are you seeing it as a first name?Allegra might see a bit of use, but because of the well-known allergy medicine it is highly unlikely to ever become popular.
Myrtle might make a small gain, as Mabel and Harriet have done within a fairly narrow demographic, but popular? No.I think, therefore I judge.
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Purdey  ·  Katie  ·  7/24/2015, 7:29 AM
Re: Purdey  ·  Constant  ·  7/27/2015, 11:57 AM
Re: Purdey  ·  Myosotis  ·  7/27/2015, 2:15 AM
Re: Purdey  ·  Buneary  ·  7/26/2015, 8:19 AM
Re: Purdey  ·  mirfak  ·  7/24/2015, 11:21 PM
Re: Purdey  ·  Puck  ·  7/24/2015, 10:29 PM
Re: Purdey - Deliverance  ·  Moirrey  ·  7/24/2015, 6:04 PM
Re: Purdey  ·  Caprice  ·  7/24/2015, 1:17 PM
Re: Purdey  ·  Fiammetta  ·  7/24/2015, 12:41 PM
Re: Purdey  ·  number1212  ·  7/24/2015, 12:31 PM
Re: Purdey  ·  CruelPumps  ·  7/24/2015, 10:43 AM
Re: Purdey  ·  Katie  ·  7/24/2015, 3:30 PM
Re: Purdey  ·  Wordsmith  ·  7/24/2015, 10:38 AM
Re: Purdey  ·  Luccca  ·  7/24/2015, 10:10 AM
Re: Purdey  ·  Ottilie  ·  7/24/2015, 9:21 AM
Re: Purdey  ·  jennifer  ·  7/24/2015, 8:49 AM
Re: Purdey  ·  Pie  ·  7/24/2015, 8:32 AM
Re: Purdey  ·  RoxStar  ·  7/24/2015, 8:22 AM
Re: Purdey  ·  Katie  ·  7/24/2015, 3:27 PM