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[Facts] Re: Sci-Fi name
I understand very well what a sex slave is, but what the blazes is a *kettle slave* ?
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From this site found this explainationKETTLE SLAVE : Term used in reference to slave girls used mainly in kitchen and for other menial duties.


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How sexist!Slave *girls* only? I am a *boy* AND a Kettle Slave!
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At the beginning of the Gor saga, all girls was slave. Later, some women become free on their own. And, thereafter, they become Mistress of some men.There is a BDSM lifestyle tendence based in Norman's saga, named Gor (the practicers are called goreans and sub girls are called kajira/kajirae and sub boys are called kajirus or kajirum/kajirii). But as any BDSM lifestyle, it's only for those of legal age.Lumia
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How ilLUMInating :)
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