[Opinions] Meadow
I was too busy\exhausted to make a post but yesterday I overheard a woman calling for someone called Meadow. I'm curious to know what's everyone's thoughts are on the name.
I think it sounds beautiful despite being hippyish and slightly strange. I wouldn't use it. I don't think I would be brave enough to anyway. *laughs*
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I think it's tacky and silly and won't age well.
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Am I really the first person who's going to mention "The Sporanos"? Okay then...I hear Meadow as a name, I immediately think of Meadow Soprano, who initially on the show was a spoiled Italian Princess(TM) but eventually became an actual adult. So I bypassed "hippie" and went straight to "mafia."That said, the name itself is quite nice. But I would need a lot of guts to use it. Mainly for the associations with organized crime combined with the fact that my family is Italian...
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Meadowlark is a GP of mine, but strangely I can't warm up to Meadow. It makes me think of cows (I like cows, but...), which makes me think of butter and other dairy products. Meadow sounds like a brand of butter to me.
(Flora is a brand of butter in Sweden, which is why I'm not very fond of the name.)
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It used to be one of my favorites. I loved it paired with Lindsay. Meadow Lindsay. It made me think of a meadow full of green with yellow flowers. Now I still like it but I wouldn't use it. Since Paul Walker's daughter has gone public it became a bit of a celeb baby name. That doesn't bother me too much, she seems like a sweet girl, but I am worried it will become associated too much with one person.
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Meadow Lindsay is kind of pretty. (You don't normally see a lot of love for Lindsay on BtN, but I've always liked it.) Though I think Lindsay Meadow has a better flow to it.
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I suppose it's better than Pasture or Paddock, but that's the most I can say of it.
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Yes I kind of like it. I like those nature type names. I heard a Harvest one time and thought that was pretty.
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Oh harvest definitely sounds ugly and harsh to me. If I ever hear someone calling out for someone named Harvest I'm fairly certain that I would feel an eye twitch coming on. Or eyeroll. Whichever. \:
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I love Meadow, but I don't think I have the guts to use it.
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I think it's beautiful. I would never use it myself because I'd be too self conscious but I'd love to meet a Meadow.
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