Hey guys! I've never made a Congrats before, though I've participated in many. Since I've been really bored the past couple weeks I decided to give it a go, so I'd have something to do.
It's going to be a landmine congrats with 10 rounds. Every round will have 8 namebanks, with 2 landmine namebanks (one for boys and one for girls). You'll choose the namebank the round before, but only the "title" of the namebank - see below. Put the name of the namebank you chose under your family.
This is the signup round, though you can join any time you want since it's KUY.
If you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to post them below.
Round 0 - Parents
LN, FNs and MNs for your SO(s) are all your choice.
Choose one:
Lace Chiffon Silk Satin Tulle Organza Charmeuse Taffeta
Chronic thinker.