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[Surname] Re: Last name Cantu started in Italy.
in reply to a message by Cantu
I have been doing research on my mother's family name of Cantu since 2006. I do know of the Cantu's coming from Italy originally. However, since the confirmation of Jewish DNA in the Cantu lineage on my mother's side (and yes I know that it could have come from other ancestors marrying into the Cantu line) I have been questioning whether the name Cantu came from Cantor? Being that in the middle ages and with Christianity (Catholicism) being the confirmed religion of the region for that time being and it was required for all Jewish and or other people of other faiths to convert or else! I have done some research in regards to the area of Cantu Italy and there is a history of Jewish people (Ashkenazi) that may have had to change names and or become Cryptic Jews. Cantor may have become Canterberry-English, Cantor, Canto, Cantu, Canturio, Cantuti, etc. The possibility of having to change the name for reasons of the Spanish Inquisition. That is my speculation. And one more thing I do know that there is ancient history from before the time of Christ that Jewish people traveled to that region and beyond, such as the Apostle Pual from Tarsus which was Spain. Some Ancient texts such as the Book Jasher mention the Semitic people of Noah's offspring migrated after the Flood departing to deferent regions of the Ancient World at that time. And the region of Northeast Europe is mentioned.
The information of the Jewish people in the is very vague. Love doing the research and how it all connects together eventually. I myself am a Christian and love the Jewish connection. Jesus came to save Jew and Gentile for those who receive HIM.
Please if anyone has any information they could share I would truly appreciate it.\
Sincerely S.T.
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Blessings and honour to you Sarah for this wonderful research. I am now studying the book of Romans(chapter 1&2) and had a dream and was told: I am from the Cantu tribe🤯. I was shocked when I woke up. I started to research and came upon this link. And here I found research especially about the Apostle Paul at Rome and the history of the Jewish people and their conversion into Christianity. This is amazing! God focuses more on tribe and not last "names", because I am a jamaican born and raised but now living in America
This information has opened my eyes to alot spiritual and how it truly pays to study the word of God.
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This is true. The first Cantù in the Mexico married Maria Del Rio de la cerda who was Sephardic
B:29 Dec 1560 Alcalá del Júcar, Albacete, Castilla-La Mancha, Spain.
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I agree with your explanation. I can’t prove it but word of mouth from my family was that we were Jewish and fled the mother land and settled in Italy and later in Spain. My grandfather was from Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico. His name was Cayetano Cantu Cantu. I have visited Cantu, Italy and one of the founders was Gaetano Cantús so more than likely my grandfather’s name comes from the Italian language. Another thing that leads me to believe we came from a Jewish background was that my grandfather had a ranch called Senai which is Jewish. My paternal tree shows that one of my ancestors from Spain married a woman from Holland. Thanks for your post. It only confirms some of my finds.
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I would like to thank you as well for your research! I believe The Holy Spirit has been leading me in discovering my Jewish Heritage! I pray that Yawheh richly bless you and your family!
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I also did a DNA search it showed 17 percent Jewish background. I went to Israel and found the name Cantu at the place where st Peter denied the Lord. The sign read, Saint Peter in GalliCantu. The meaning is where the Rooster sang. I also found out the dictionary says canturiar is a family of singers. All my family is musically blessed. Hope this helps. Shalom.
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Wow, that only confirms that my family came from Jewish roots which we always suspected. Thanks for posting that information.
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Many in my family are singers. And my dad played the accordion
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Thank you so much for the information! I am a Follower of Yeshua as well and your research has given me confirmation on my possible Jewish heritage.
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