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[Opinions] Marigold & Magnolia
Is Marigold twee? Is it too cutesy or cartoony? I do love the imagery of the name and I think its got great nickname potential, but I am not sure of it in actual use. Is it better or worse than Magnolia? If I did use them (not in the same sibset), I would probably have Marigold nn Goldie or Margot or Magnolia nn Nola.
What combos would you make with the two that isn't a combination of two words?"Okay, what are your ideas? Taylor? Uh-huh. Fletcher? Cooper? Tanner? Where are you getting these? The Big Book Of Medieval Professions?"
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Marigold does come off as twee to me.I love Magnolia, however. It has a completely different vibe to me.
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I love Marigold! She’s been one of my favourites ever since I watched Downton Abbey, and if I have 5 girls somehow, the 5th would be Marigold. I don’t think she’s too twee at all. I love the energy and light from the name, as well as the colour, flower, and vintage feel. Plus I adore nn Margo too, which I think adds some more feistiness. Personally I’m not a fan of Magnolia, but mostly because it feels more bland and less colourful than Marigold (literally) and I’ve just never got into it. I keep thinking of a street name, like Magnolia promenade (turns out it’s a place in Sims 4 haha) when I see/hear it.At the moment I have Marigold Sylvia Ann as a combo, and I love it. I also like:Marigold Elsie
Marigold Sylvie
Marigold Alice
Marigold Fae/Faye
Marigold Sally
Marigold Clio/Cleo
Marigold VerityMagnolia Lilith
Magnolia Alice
Magnolia Florence
Magnolia Astrid
Magnolia Xanthe
Magnolia June
Magnolia Elaine
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Marigold nn Goldie is very cutesy but I have been leaning more and more towards not caring as much about things like that. I mean everything I know called Goldie are either Goldilocks, a goldfish, or Goldie Hawn who has a somewhat cute reputation. It definitely makes me think of the cute flowers and fairy tales but I like that association. It also feels like a hobbit name imo. I imagine a rl Marigold being very cheerful, a little naive, optimist/ idealist, and artistic. Truthfully I imagine a Marigold being a lot like myself in personality.Margot has a snobby reputation, it is a name that is often used in American books and movies for someone upper class and at least a bit snobby probably in part because it is a French name but that doesn't mean that actual Margot's are snobby. I know at least two Margot's very well, one was only slightly snobby and the other mostly went by her mn so she was called Penny and she wasn't snobby at all, both of them are partially artists though. The first Margot wanted to be a photographer but only has a photography side business, she mostly is a psychologist who works with prison inmates. The one who goes by Penny is mostly a mother and a mariner who lives on her boat most of the year but she loves to create artwork and bake. Penny also does some sustainable farming and preserving/ canning food at a friend's property along with her identical twin sister Morgan who goes by her mn Lizzie.I have never known anyone named Magnolia other than in passing but they were my best friend in childhood's favorite flower and she called them tulip trees.

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I really like them both, but then I love flower names in general. I don’t think Marigold sounds twee or insubstantial. It seems distinct / sophisticated to me.Here are some combos that may work:Marigold Sylvia
Marigold Evelyn
Marigold Vivian
Marigold Sophia
Marigold Janet
Marigold Nadia
Marigold ThaliaMagnolia Karen
Magnolia Suzanne
Magnolia Lauren
Magnolia Charlotte
Magnolia Ruth
Magnolia Esther
Magnolia Julie
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I think Marigold is awful, twee and cartoonish and bovine. Goldie is pretty bad too, like a name somebody'd give a goldfish for lack of any better idea. If you want to use Margot, it seems to me making it a nn for Marigold is taking the longest and most illogical way around.Magnolia is annoying but at least it's not as milk-cow as Marigold.
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They’re both pretty. A bit cutesy, but not terribly so. Marigold is pretty, but to me it just doesn’t seem to be one of those flowers that can work as a name. I’m partial to Magnolia, since it’s one of my favorite flowers. It reminds me of a Southern belle with a big hat, big blonde hair & blue eyes, and a big pink, puffy dress walking the streets of Savannah or New Orleans (I know, very descriptive). So, with that being said, I think it is usable, just a bit stereotypical Southern belle-ish.
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Hi !!!Magnolia has a very annoying, cold and complex sound. I'm not tied with that tree so I have not any reason why to use it.Marigold at the opposite is sweet and delicate. That flower is really pretty and lively while the NN Goldie is charming.
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I love Marigold. I am not so sure about Magnolia, but its okay still.
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I love the imagery, too, but I would never use it IRL. It is very pwecious. I think Magnolia is worse, though. I just never liked the sound, the NOL in the middle is very ugly. I would just go with Margot.

This message was edited 1/9/2018, 10:39 AM

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