I'm looking for sentence Czech surnames for a character. These are the ones I found:
Brzobohatý (Soon To Be Rich)
Drahokoupil (Bought Expensively)
Kopkáně (Kicked A Buzzard)
Nebojsa (Don't Be Afraid!)
Nejezchleba (Don't Eat Bread)
Nepovím (I Won't Tell)
Nesnídal (Didn't Have Breakfast)
Osolsobě (Add Yourself Salt)
Potměšil (He Sewed in the Dark)
Přecechtěl (And he wanted it after all)
Přinesdomů (Bring Home)
Rádsetoulal (Liked to Wander)
Schovajsa (Hide Yourself)
Skočdopole (Jump in the Field)
Snědldítětikaši (Ate The Childs Porridge)
Stojespal (Slept While Standing)
Tenkrát (Back in Those Days)
Urvinitka (Tear a String)
Ventluka (Knocking Outward)
Vítámvás (I Welcome You)
Volopich (Pricking an Ox)
Vozihnoj (Driving with Manure)
Zlamaljelito (He broke the black pudding)
Does anyone know anymore Czech sentence names?