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[Games] Generation CAF #70 : Long w/ Rules
DH [101] FN and MN are popular in 1917 [Haworth DaCosta Solorio Mink Carty]
DW [98] FN and MN are popular in 1920 [Caputo Brewington Tudor Parton Meagher]DS1 [79] FN and MN are between 1-10 in the 1930s
DS2 [78] FN and MN are between 11-20 in the 1930s
DD1 [76] FN and MN are between 1-10 in the 1940s
DD2 [73] FN and MN are between 11-20 in the 1940s
DD3 [73] FN and MN are between 21-30 in the 1940s
DS2 [69] FN and MN are between 21-30 in the 1940s **
DS1 [79]
DW [80] FN is a gem, MN is a flower [McLellan Kehoe Grabowski Gosselin Edens] DD [60] FN is a flower, MN is mothers FN
- exH [59] Initials are JED
- DD [37] FN is one syllable, MN is mothers FN
-- DH [41] FN, MN and LN are popular in Netherlands
-- DD [9] FN and MN are Dutch, but easy to pronounce in English
-- DD [6] FN and MN are Dutch, but easy to pronounce in English
- DS [35] Fathers name
-- DW [33] FN, MN and LN are between 20-35 in 1985
-- DD [4] FN is 3 letters, MN is her mothers FN
-- DD [18m] FN is 3 letters, MN is mothers MN
- DD [32] FN is one syllable, MN begins with E
-- Dgf [35] FN is old fashioned, MN is uncommon [Desai Brannan Woolsey Sorrells Rae]
- DD [28] FN is one syllable, MN begins with TDD [58] FN is a flower, MN was popular in 1950s
- DH [58] FN and MN were popular in the 1950s [McGinn Lovato Hazen DeVoe Bristol]
- DS [34] FN and MN are between 91-100 in 1980s
-- DW [32] FN, MN and LN are popular in Slovenia
-- DD [6] FN is Slovenian, MN grandmothers FN
-- DS [5] FN is Slovenian, MN is fathers FN
-- DS [3] FN is Slovenian, MN is grandfathers FN
-- DD [nb] FN is Slovenian, MN is mothers FN
- DD [32] FN and MN are between 91-100 in 1980s
- DS [29] FN and MN are between 81-90 in the 1980s
-- DW [27] FN and MN are between 35-45 in 1990s [Alton Schroder Riordan Marker Kilmer]
-- DS & DS [5m] FNs & MNs are between 340-360 in the USA 2017
- DS [27] FN and MN are between 71-80 in the 1990s DD [56] FN is a flower, MN was popular in the 1960s
- DH [57] FN, MN and LN are Hebrew
- DS [28] FN and MN are Hebrew
-- DW [28] FN, MN and LN are Hebrew
-- DD [5] FN and MN are Hebrew
-- DS [2] FN and MN are Hebrew
-- DS [exp] FN and MN are Hebrew
- DS [25] FN and MN are HebrewDD [54] FN is a flower, MN was popular in 1960s
- ExBf [54] FN and MN are classic/traditional [Desmond Brook Yancy Wesson Trainor]
-- DD [36] FN and MN are between 50-60 in the 1980s
--- DH [37] FN, MN and LN are Scottish
--- DD [9] FN and MN are Scottish
--- DD [7] FN and MN are Scottish
--- DS [4] FN and MN are Scottish
--- DD [18m] FN and MN are Scottish
-- DS [34] FN and MN are between 50-60 in the 1980s
--- DW [31] FN, MN and LN are popular in Switzerland
--- DS [2] FN and MN are popular in Switzerland
--- DD [exp] FN and MN are popular in Switzerland
- DH [52] FN, MN and LN are Italian
-- DD [29] FN and MN are Italian
--- DH [34] FN, MN and LN are Italian
--- DS [7] FN and MN are Italian
--- DS [5] FN and MN are Italian
--- DS [2] FN and MN are Italian
--- DS [nb] FN and MN are Italian
-- DD [27] FN and MN are Italian
--- Dgf [26] FN, MN and LN are Italian
-- DD [14] FN and MN are Italian DS [52] Fathers name
- DW [43] FN, MN and LN are Polish
- DS [13] FN is Polish, MN is fathers FN
- DS [10] FN is Polish, MN is mothers LN DD [50] FN is a flower, MN was popular in the 1960s
- DH [50] FN is a classic, MN is African, LN is up to you
- DD [29] FN and MN are between 91-100 in the 1980s
-- ExFiance [31] FN, MN and LN are Spanish
-- DD [4] FN and MN are Spanish
-- DS [2] FN and MN are Spanish
- DS [27] FN and MN are between 91-100 in the 1990s
- DS [27] FN and MN are between 101-110 in the 1990s
-- DW [25] FN, MN and LN are Greek
-- DS [4] FN is uncommon, MN is Greek
-- DD [1] FN is Greek, MN is uncommon
-- DS [exp] FN is uncommon, MN is Greek
- DS [27] FN and MN are between 111-120 in the 1990s
-- Dgf [21] FN, MN and LN are popular in the UK
- DD [23] FN and MN are between 101-110 in the 1990s
- DS [21] FN and MN are between 121-130 in the 1990s
- DS [18] FN and MN are between 131-140 in the 2000s
-- Dgf [18] FN and MN are between 15-25 in the 2000s [Reavis Neilson Lamont Kirsch Hennessy]
-- DD [exp] Full name is the same as a celebrities kids name [e.g. Vivienne Marcheline]
- DD [16] FN and MN are between 111-120 in the 2000s
- DS [13] FN and MN are between 141-150 in the 2000s DD [47] FN is a flower name, MN is popular in the 1970s
- DH [46] FN and LN are Indian
- DD [21] FN is long and frilly, MN is Indian
-- DH [24] FN and LN are Indian
- DS [19] FN is long and masculine, MN is Indian
- DS [16] FN is long and masculine, MN is Indian
- DS [11] FN is long and masculine, MN is Indian **
DS2 [78]
DW [74] FN, MN and LN are Spanish DS [53] FN is Spanish, MN is fathers FN
- DW [48] FN, MN and LN are popular in Australia
- DD [22] FN is popular in Australia, MN is popular in Spain
-- Dbf [25] FN, MN and LN are popular in Australia
- DD [20] FN is popular in Australia, MN is popular in Spain
-- Dbf [28] FN and LN are Thai
-- DS [exp] FN is Spanish, MN is Thai
- DS [15] Fathers name DD [51] FN is Spanish, MN is grandmothers FN
- DH [51] FN, MN and LN are Spanish
- DS [27] Initials are JJ and Spanish
-- DW [27] Initials are PRA and English
-- DD [2] Initials are JS - one Spanish, one English
-- DS & DD [exp] Initials are PB - one Spanish, one English
- DS [25] Initials are AS and Spanish
- DD [23] Initials are GC and Spanish
- DD [23] Initials are CG and Spanish
-- Dbf [30] FN, MN and LN are popular Spanish names
- DD [19] Initials are LN and Spanish
- DD [17] Initials are MI and Spanish DD [48] FN and MN are Spanish
- ADS [14] FN is trendy, MN is Spanish
- ADS [6] FN is trendy, MN is Indonesian DD [46] FN and MN are Spanish
- DH [45] FN and MN were between 120-135 in 1970s [Avant Tully Theisen Segovia Rudy]
- DS [16] FN is Spanish, MN is fathers FN
- DS [12] FN is Spanish, MN is fathers MN
- DD [5] FN is Spanish, MN is mothers FN DD [43] FN and MN are Spanish
- DW [37] FN is double barrelled, MN is old fashioned [Preece Padron Ingersoll Germain Deason]
- DS [3] FN and MN are between 970-1000 in 2017
- DS [exp] FN and MN are between 970-1000 in 2017 DS [39] FN and MN are Spanish
- DW [36] FN and MN are dated 80s names [Dearing Carrigan Bahr Appleby Vanderpool]
- DS [exp] FN and MN are cool sounding Spanish names **
DD1 [76]
exH [76] Initials are FGV DD [54] Initials are HT
- DH [53] FN, MN and LN are French
- DS [26] Initials are AB and French
-- DW [27] FN, MN and LN are French
-- DS [1] Initials are EP and French
-- DD [exp] Initials are RV and French
- DS [24] Initials are CD and French
-- Dgf [21] FN, MN and LN are popular in Mexico
- DS [21] Initials are EF and French
- DD [16] Initials are IG and French DS [52] Initials are PN
- DW [48] FN, MN and LN are popular Catalonia names
- DD [23] FN and MN are popular Catalonia names
-- DH [25] FN and MN are popular Catalonia names
- DD [21] FN and MN are popular Catalonia names
- DS [18] FN and MN are popular Catalonia names
- DS [15] FN and MN are popular Catalonia names DH [74] FN and MN are old fashioned [Remington Peckham Olivera Jonas Hazelton]DD [47] FN and MN are old fashioned
- DW [42] FN, MN and LN are Irish
- ADD [15] FN is old fashioned, MN1 is Irish, MN2 is Hungarian
- DS [6] FN is old fashioned, MN is Irish
- DD [3] FN is old fashioned, MN is Irish DS [44] FN and MN are old fashioned
- DW [39] FN, MN and LN are Armenian
- DD & DD [12] FN is between 800-810, MN is Armenian & FN is between 811-821 in USA, MN is Armenian
- DS [8] FN is between 500-510 in the USA, MN is Armenian
- DS [6] FN is between 450-460 in the USA, MN is Armenian
- DD [1] FN is between 940-950 in the USA, MN is ArmenianDS [41] FN and MN are old fashioned
- DW [40] FN, MN and LN are popular in the UK
- DS [10] FN and MN are popular in the UK
- DS [8] FN and MN are popular in the UK
- DD [exp] FN and MN are popular in the UK **
DD2 [73]
DH [73] FN and MN are from here : [Halvorson DeHaven Colton Bosworth Hillis] DS [43] FN and MN are also from
- DW [40] FN, MN and LN are between 80-99 in the UK
- DD [14] FN and MN are between 170-180 in the UK
- DD [12] FN and MN are between 190-200 in the UK
- DD [9] FN and MN are between 210-220 in the UK
- DD [7] FN and MN are between 230-240 in the UK
- DD [exp] FN and MN are between 250-260 in the UK**
DD3 [73]
exH [74] FN and MN are between 130-150 in 1940s [Bridge Barnwell Westphal Prior Newport]DS [54] FN and MN are between 150-165 in 1960s
- DW [54] FN and MN are between 70-80 in 1960s [Moyers Maddux Lockard Harney Hamlett]
- DS [35] FN and MN are between 100-110 in 1980s
-- DW [34] FN, MN and LN are Italian
-- DS [11] FN is Italian, MN is fathers FN
-- DS [9] FN is Italian, MN is fathers MN
-- DD [6] FN is Italian, MN is grandmothers FN
-- DD [4] FN is Italian, MN is grandfathers MN
-- DD [1] FN is Italian, MN is mothers FN DS [53] FN and MN are between 170-185 in 1960s
- DW [50] FN, MN and LN are Russian
- DD [25] FN was trendy in the 1990s, MN is Russian
-- Dgf [24] FN is from Egyptian Mythology, MN is a classic [Bergen Mathison Lapierre Pattison McEvoy]
- DD [23] FN was trendy in 1990s, MN is Russian
- DD [20] FN was trendy in 1990s, MN is Russian
-- DD [5m] FN and MN are Russian
- DS [16] FN is trendy in the 2000s, MN is Russian
- DD [14] FN is trendy in the 2000s, MN is Russian
- DS [11] FN is trendy in the 2000s, MN is Russian DD [50] FN and MN are between 205-220 in 1960s
- exH [50] FN and MN are between 400-425 in 1960s [Kuhns Benham Lozada Gallaher Byron]
- DD [20] FN and MN are between 980-1000 in 2017
- DD [18] FN and MN are between 960-980 in 2017
- DD [13] FN and MN are between 920-940 in 2017 DH [71] FN is a classic, MN is Hawaiian, LN is Portuguese DD [44] FN is Portuguese, MN is Hawaiian
- DH [44] FN, MN and LN are Portuguese
- DS [17] FN is Portuguese and MN is Hawaiian
- DD [14] FN is Hawaiian, MN is Portuguese
- DS & DD [9] FN is Portuguese, MN is Hawaiian & FN is Hawaiian, MN is PortugueseDD [42] FN is Portuguese, MN is Hawaiian
- DH [41] Initials are BAT and English
- DD & DD [12] Initials are RMC - one English name, one Portuguese name and one Hawaiian name
- DD [6] Initials are OAL - one English name, one Portuguese name and one Hawaiian name
- DD [3] Initials are CEK - one English name, one Portuguese name and one Hawaiian name DS [36] FN is Hawaiian, MN is Portuguese
- DW [34] FN and MN were trendy -80s names, LN is after a famous actress
- DD [11] FN and MN are after characters from the movie 'The Breakfast Club'
- DD [9] FN and MN are after characters from 'Titanic'
- DS [6] FN and MN are after characters from 'Lost'
- DS [4] FN and MN are after characters from 'Greys Anatomy'
- DD [18m] FN and MN are after characters from 'Orange is the new Black'
- DS [exp] FN and MN are after characters from 'Riverdale'**
DS2 [69]
DW [67] FN and MN are famous actresses from the 1950s-1960s, LN is PolishDS [42] FN and MN are classic/traditional
- DW [42] FN and MN are classic/traditional, LN begins with P
- DD [14] FN, MN1 and MN2 are in the top 15 in the UK
- DS [10] FN, MN1 and MN2 are in the top 15 in the UKDS [40] FN and MN are classic/traditional
- DW [40] FN is a colour, MN one syllable, LN begins with B
- DS [15] FN is nicknamey-name, MN is unisex
- DS [13] FN is a nicknamey-name, MN is unisex
- DD [10] FN is a nicknamey-name, MN is unisex
- DS [8] FN is a nicknamey-name, MN is unisex
- DD [5] FN is a nicknamey-name, MN is unisex
- DS [3] FN is a nicknamey-name, MN is unisex DD [36] FN and MN are classic/traditional
- DH [37] FN is a cool one syllable name, MN is uncommon, LN is German
- DS [9] FN is a place name, MN is an -aden/aiden/ayden name
- DS [7] FN is a place name, MN ends in -son
- DD [5] FN is a state in America, MN is a -belle/bella name
- DD [2] FN is a place name, MN ends in -ia
- DD [exp] FN is a place name, MN is a colour- - -
Poppy. Josephine. Lula. Rose. Indie. Belle. Eve. Eva
Skyler. Jack. Alexander. Jude. Albert. Francis. Mason. Ralph.
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Generation CAF #70 : Long w/ Rules  ·  Evey  ·  7/8/2018, 8:40 AM
Re: Generation CAF #70 : Long w/ Rules  ·  poppy  ·  7/23/2019, 7:49 AM
Re: Generation CAF #70 : Long w/ Rules  ·  Ire  ·  7/16/2019, 11:52 AM
Re: Generation CAF #70 : Long w/ Rules -DONE!  ·  Rioghnach  ·  7/11/2018, 7:03 AM
Re: Generation CAF #70 : Long w/ Rules  ·  Evey  ·  7/9/2018, 11:19 AM
Re: Generation CAF #70 : Long w/ Rules *Done*  ·  Kinola  ·  7/9/2018, 7:15 AM
Re: Generation CAF #70 : Long w/ Rules wfl  ·  glassmidnight  ·  7/8/2018, 7:27 PM
Re: Generation CAF #70 : Long w/ Rules WFL  ·  miakendall1075  ·  7/8/2018, 6:39 PM
Re: Generation CAF #70 : Long w/ Rules wfl  ·  Julia  ·  7/8/2018, 4:47 PM