[Facts] meaning of the name ebele
The name Ebele in my language which is igbo means mercy. It is the short form of the word Ebelechukwu,'God's mercy' or Ebelechukwumelum,'the mercy God had upon me'. Igbo language is one of the various Nigerian languages.
Yes we know its in the Data Base :)
Gender: Feminine
Usage: Igbo
Means "mercy, kindness" in Igbo.
Comments for EBELE:
The name Ebele is short for Ebelechukwu, Ebelechi, Chukwuebele, or Chiebele, all of which translate roughly to "God's mercy", or "God has been kind to me", "God has blessed me".
-- ebelechukwu17 8/8/2005
Gender: Feminine
Usage: Igbo
Means "mercy, kindness" in Igbo.
Comments for EBELE:
The name Ebele is short for Ebelechukwu, Ebelechi, Chukwuebele, or Chiebele, all of which translate roughly to "God's mercy", or "God has been kind to me", "God has blessed me".
-- ebelechukwu17 8/8/2005
This message was edited 4/17/2006, 5:45 PM