previous round:
We’re travelling around a museum. Choose your favorite picture and get your namebank and/or name-inspo. :)
This round we’re naming the fourth-born’s SO and children.
The Spanish Dancer Study for El Jaleo - John Singer Sargent
Tea Time - Alice Bailly
Bell Dance - Rupert Bunny
The Girl I Left Behind Me - Eastman Johnson
Costume design for a bacchante in 'Narcisse' by Tcherepnin - Leon Bakst
!!! SO’s namebank: Ása Branddís Brynja Eyja Ísold Jóna Karen Katrín Kristín Sandra Sif Sigrún Sumarrós Svana Sólveig / Albert Alexander Beinir Dagur Eyvindur Finnbjörn Geir Halldór Hálfdan Jakob Jónatan Júníus Kristján Styrr Zakarías (LN: Agnarsson Freyjuson Hilmarsson Jónsson Leifsson Sigurdsson Steinsson Þórirsson Tómasson Vilhjálmsson)(child of Nanna Telma and Anton Ísak)
a. They’ve had two children!
DD1: Her FN is inspired by: Spain / Her MN(s) is honoring a grandparent
DD2: Her FN is inspired by: wandering / Her MN(s) is inspired by: music
b. They’ve had four children!
DS1: His FN is inspired by: England / His MN(s) is from this namebank: Agnar Andri Anton Ásmundur Björn Bæron Gunnar Ingvar Ísbjörn Jóhannes Kvasir Sigurður Sindri Sólvin Tómas
DD1: Her FN is honoring a grandparent / Her MN(s) is from this namebank: Andrá Birgitta Dagmar Dúna Eir Eldlilja Embla Eva Fönn Hafdís Jóhanndína Náttsól Sonja Sóley Yrsa
DD2: Her FN is inspired by: repetition / Her MN(s) is honoring a parent
DD3: Her FN is inspired by: tea time, conviviality, friendship etc. / Her MN(s) is inspired by: ghosts
c. They’ve had one child!
DD1: Her FN is inspired by: gemstones / Her MN(s) is inspired by: dance
d. They’ve had four children!
DD1: Her FN is inspired by: wind / Her MN(s) is from this namebank: Ástrós Dallilja Eygló Fanndís Fjalldís Glóa Haflína Ísey Íssól Liljurós Lífdís Manúella Njála Sædís Sóla
DS1: His FN is inspired by: clouds / His MN(s) is from this namebank: Áki Brimar Dagur Dreki Eikar Emil Freyr Galdur Gylfi Hafliði Kolbeinn Líó Marínó Melrakki Reykdal
DS2: His FN is inspired by: strangeness, loneliness, hermitage etc. / His MN(s) is after a grandparent
DD2: Her FN is inspired by: valleys / Her MN(s) is after a grandparent
e. They’ve had two children!
DD1: Her FN is inspired by: paisley fabric, musky perfume, heavy jewelry / Her MN(s) is inspired by: dance
DS1: His FN is inspired by: Ancient Greece / His MN(s) is inspired by: leaping, bounding, flying etc.