LN: ends with “son”
DH: New Testament // one syllable
DW: a flower // four syllables
DS: Last name as first name // Italian version of a Biblical name DD1: A name of your choice with a three-letter nickname // a gemstone or colour DD2: fn+mn honours her mother
LN: Same as original family
DW: ends with “el” // in the top 25 USA 2017
DS: French, but also useable in the USA // related to cars
DS: begins with the same “T” // a classic
DD: birds // in the top 25 USA 1980
LN: colour related
DH: fn+mn Irish
DD: virtue // ends and begins with the same letter
DD: a flower // ends with the letters “ia”
LN: ends with the letter “o”
DH: Portuguese
DD/DS: her’s fn is a feminine name of her twin’s name // Portuguese
DD: name of a rose (https://www.countrygardenroses.co.uk/shop/125-A-Z) // Portuguese
DD: Arabic // Portuguese

This message was edited 3/17/2019, 9:08 AM