[Facts] Re: Dzenita
DŽENETA f Bosnian
Feminine form of Dženet.
DŽENIT m Bosnian
Variant of Dženet.
DŽENITA f Bosnian
Variant of Dženeta.All words ending with latter ‘a’ in Bosnian language have female meaning. The same word without it would have male meaning. Đženet is Arabic word written in Bosnian language that means paradise or heaven. It is given to Muslim girls. So Bosnians are combining Arabic and Bosnian languages for more than 400 years when naming their children.
If you read anything about Islam what practicing Muslims do or have to do. They or we do it all for after life to enter paradise.
Đženita it is you name written in Bosnian language.
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Dzenita  ·  Dzenita  ·  5/14/2008, 4:03 PM
Re: Dzenita  ·  Adnan  ·  8/17/2019, 6:33 PM
Re: Dzenita  ·  Sofia  ·  5/15/2008, 2:13 AM