[Opinions] Re: Sadbhb
in reply to a message by A
I keep wanting to read it as Saab, like the car. Or sob, as in, to weep. The actual pronunciation seems wordy ('save') yet not and does nothing for me. My main associations are damsels in distress and saving money.

This message was edited 9/16/2019, 4:57 PM

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Sadbhb  ·  A  ·  9/15/2019, 9:08 AM
Re: Sadbhb  ·  noel  ·  9/16/2019, 4:40 PM
Re: Sadbhb  ·  Felie  ·  9/15/2019, 1:05 PM
Re: Sadbhb  ·  noel  ·  9/16/2019, 4:59 PM
Re: Sadbhb  ·  Bitey  ·  9/15/2019, 12:00 PM
Re: Sadbhb  ·  ari.  ·  9/15/2019, 11:01 AM
Sorry... that is Sadhbh!  ·  A  ·  9/15/2019, 9:11 AM