Surname: Starts with L and Ends with E.
Parent1: First name Starts with H and Ends in N. Middle name Starts with E and Ends in E.
Parent2: First name Starts with T and ends in S. Middle name relates to a calendar.
D: First name Starts with M and is 3 syllables. Middle name Begins with P and is 2 syllables.
S: First name Begins with P and is 2 syllables. Middle name must End in N.
D: First name must End in L. Middle name relates to nature.
S: First initial is T. Middle name is some variation of parent2’s middle name.
S: First initial is L. Middle name must End in T.
D: First name Begins with H and is not very common. Middle name is ranking in the top 50 for wherever you reside.
D: First name is ultra feminine and Must End in E. Middle name is a surname.