The couple have eight children. Flip a coin for their genders.
Alma Anniston Arizona Aspen Avalon Avis Banks Bellamy Bianka Billie Birdie Blue(bell) Breeze Brighton Bunny Calliope Coco Cosima Cricket Della Delta Dixie Dolly Domenica Dusty Fianna Flora Giuliana Golden Goldie Hattie Hero Holland Indiana Jett Journey Junia Keeva Leonore Liberty Lolita Lotus Louisiana Love Lula Lulu Lyric Mabel Maple Marlow Marvel Maxima Minnie Nahla Odette Paloma Penna Petal Phaedra Philomena Rainbow Rani Rhiannon Romy Rumi Saffron Serafina Sistine Stevie Sundance Sunday Sunny Suri Sutton Teddy Theodora Una Viva Ysabel Zephyr Zuzu Zyla
Apollo Archibald Arrow Auden Bandit Bear Beaumont Booker Boone Bowie Bronx Cairo Cree Cruz Cy Diesel Draco Dusty Easton Ernest Everest Ezer Five Fordham Gio Hal Hart Hayes Hemingway Holt Huckleberry Iver Jagger Jameson Jones Jules Kellen Kenzo Koa Kodah Lars Lazar Leonardo Loyal Macallister Magnus Mars Maxfield McCoy Memphis Montgomery Morocco Nakoa North Onyx Otto Ozzie Phyllon Ptolemy Rocco Rocket Romelo Saint Sir Spike Tennessee Tennyson Titan Torin True Valentin Viggo Wilder Wolf(gang) Zen Zeppelin
(You can use a “boys” name on a girl and vice versa)