[Opinions] Drusilla
Is it usable?
Do you like it?
Nicknames (they're inevitable) that you prefer?
Remind you of Caligula? (It's a longshot but I have to ask. Caligula, the perverted Roman emperor, had an incestuous relationship with his sister, a Drusilla)
I'm not seriously considering it - that depends on your feedback =) I tend to think it's too cerebral, not very friendly sounding for a real person.. not sure. Read the comments on it in the database - lots of negativity there.
- mirfak
Is it usable?
Do you like it?
Nicknames (they're inevitable) that you prefer?
Remind you of Caligula? (It's a longshot but I have to ask. Caligula, the perverted Roman emperor, had an incestuous relationship with his sister, a Drusilla)
I'm not seriously considering it - that depends on your feedback =) I tend to think it's too cerebral, not very friendly sounding for a real person.. not sure. Read the comments on it in the database - lots of negativity there.
- mirfak

This message was edited 5/1/2006, 11:21 PM
Is it usable?
I don't think so, at least not for me. Too fairytale sounding. It reminds me of Cinderella, etc.
Do you like it?
I like the sound of it and it's good for a story but that's it really.
Nicknames (they're inevitable) that you prefer?
Dru is the most obvious and nicest to me. I like Drew as a name, on its own.
I have never heard of Caligula. :)

I don't think so, at least not for me. Too fairytale sounding. It reminds me of Cinderella, etc.
Do you like it?
I like the sound of it and it's good for a story but that's it really.
Nicknames (they're inevitable) that you prefer?
Dru is the most obvious and nicest to me. I like Drew as a name, on its own.
I have never heard of Caligula. :)

It seems very much like a Disney villain name, I'm not sure why I think that, as I can't think of one with the name. Haven't watched Disney in many years though.
It also seems very gothy, like the name some teenager would choose for themselves during that black-lipstick fake-vampire phase.
And it makes me think of drool.
Sorry, three stikes...
It also seems very gothy, like the name some teenager would choose for themselves during that black-lipstick fake-vampire phase.
And it makes me think of drool.
Sorry, three stikes...
This message was edited 5/2/2006, 9:31 AM
Makes me think of Cinderella's step-sister (was that her name?) and also of Cruella DeVille, so it's very Disney-villain-y sounding to me. :-/
There is a character on "The Young & The Restless" with this name, but I think they spell it Drucilla, and her nn is Dru (granted it's been many years since I've seen the show).

There is a character on "The Young & The Restless" with this name, but I think they spell it Drucilla, and her nn is Dru (granted it's been many years since I've seen the show).

Yes, it reminds me of Caligula
For that reason I would stay away from it. It's a nice name in itself, but whoa howdy!
For that reason I would stay away from it. It's a nice name in itself, but whoa howdy!
I really like Drusilla--I think it's very pretty. And I don't picture the Drusilla of Drusilla and Caligula; while I knew Caligula was the one with some screws loose, I didn't remember that his sister bore this name.
Drusilla used to be one of my favourites when I was about fourteen; all my story characters (or so it seemed) were named Drusilla and called Drusa. I don't know that I would use it myself, but I would certainly love to see a little Drusilla in the birth announcements.
On the end of the world: There will be snacks.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Drusilla used to be one of my favourites when I was about fourteen; all my story characters (or so it seemed) were named Drusilla and called Drusa. I don't know that I would use it myself, but I would certainly love to see a little Drusilla in the birth announcements.
On the end of the world: There will be snacks.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
I would say it's usable for someone other than me.
I don't like it. It reminds me of evil step-sisters.
The first nns that come to mind are Dru, Silly, Silla, Drus (droos) and Drusi (droosee)
“It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”
~Mark Twain
I don't like it. It reminds me of evil step-sisters.
The first nns that come to mind are Dru, Silly, Silla, Drus (droos) and Drusi (droosee)
~Mark Twain
Ditto on the "evil step-sister"
Disney's Cinderella ruined this one for me, although Dru is a cute nn.
Disney's Cinderella ruined this one for me, although Dru is a cute nn.
No, her name's Drizella
And, yes, I did nearly cry when I found that out. After I was done "wtf?!"-ing over the spelling, I kept wondering how Anastasia got the better deal.
Clearly, Lady Tremaine was nuts in more ways than one!

Proud adopter of 15 punctuation marks; see my profile for their names.
And, yes, I did nearly cry when I found that out. After I was done "wtf?!"-ing over the spelling, I kept wondering how Anastasia got the better deal.
Clearly, Lady Tremaine was nuts in more ways than one!

Proud adopter of 15 punctuation marks; see my profile for their names.
Evil step-sisters shouldn't have classy names like Anastasia :o)
I was upset when I found out how close her name was to mine. I was like...7 years old, and I was horrified. I don't really know why. It doesn't make sense now :o)
I was upset when I found out how close her name was to mine. I was like...7 years old, and I was horrified. I don't really know why. It doesn't make sense now :o)
I think it's usuable, and I do like it quite a bit. For nicknames, I think Dru is okay, but I'd prefer none.
Actually, it does remind me of Caligula, but it more reminds me of the insane vampire from Buffy.
I will dub my first child Alexander. If you want to know what will occur if my first child is a girl, I will tell you. He will not be a girl.
-Everything is Illuminated
Actually, it does remind me of Caligula, but it more reminds me of the insane vampire from Buffy.
I will dub my first child Alexander. If you want to know what will occur if my first child is a girl, I will tell you. He will not be a girl.
-Everything is Illuminated
For some reason, Drusilla has always reminded me of "Dracula" -- almost like a feminine form of it. I didn't know about Caligula and Drusilla, but now that I do ... It doesn't really help me with the name lol. Sorry.
Is it usable? Hmm ... not really. Certainly I couldn't pull it off, and I don't think many people could.
Nicknames (they're inevitable) that you prefer? Drue is cute (or Drew), and there's always Cilla too, or Silla. I like both.
Is it usable? Hmm ... not really. Certainly I couldn't pull it off, and I don't think many people could.
Nicknames (they're inevitable) that you prefer? Drue is cute (or Drew), and there's always Cilla too, or Silla. I like both.
Is it usable?
- Well, to any Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fan it will scream "sexy, but evil vampire" but fortunately, I don't think that there are many kindergarten buffy fans out there (a few, but not many) especially as the show gets older and older, which makes it about a hundred times more usable than it was ten years ago. Really, the friends of Drusilla's parents might recognize it as coming from that TV show (regardless of if that's why you like it or not), but the kids hypothetical Drusilla would be playing with wouldn't. Personally, I think it would fit in with the "frilly classic revival" (Isabella, Ava, etc.).
Do you like it?
Yes, I do like it, but its more a name I like for someone else's list than my own. It seems a bit romantic for me (says the girl whose current favorite is Diomira).
Nicknames (they're inevitable) that you prefer?
Dru. I think its fun and spunky. In general, I like when girls' names can be shortened to something a bit more boyish, though with Andy being the more popular nn for Andrew and Drew Barrymore being relatively popular, and with Jordan and Cameron being popular for girls and boys, many people might not even recognize that. Silly is also kind of fun, but very... well, Silly. :-P
Remind you of Caligula?
I've never heard of Caligula. Honestly, I doubt many people who arne't clasics majors or history buffs know many roman emporers outside of Julius Ceaser, Augustus Ceaser, and maybe Niro, the crazy fire guy.

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- Well, to any Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fan it will scream "sexy, but evil vampire" but fortunately, I don't think that there are many kindergarten buffy fans out there (a few, but not many) especially as the show gets older and older, which makes it about a hundred times more usable than it was ten years ago. Really, the friends of Drusilla's parents might recognize it as coming from that TV show (regardless of if that's why you like it or not), but the kids hypothetical Drusilla would be playing with wouldn't. Personally, I think it would fit in with the "frilly classic revival" (Isabella, Ava, etc.).
Do you like it?
Yes, I do like it, but its more a name I like for someone else's list than my own. It seems a bit romantic for me (says the girl whose current favorite is Diomira).
Nicknames (they're inevitable) that you prefer?
Dru. I think its fun and spunky. In general, I like when girls' names can be shortened to something a bit more boyish, though with Andy being the more popular nn for Andrew and Drew Barrymore being relatively popular, and with Jordan and Cameron being popular for girls and boys, many people might not even recognize that. Silly is also kind of fun, but very... well, Silly. :-P
Remind you of Caligula?
I've never heard of Caligula. Honestly, I doubt many people who arne't clasics majors or history buffs know many roman emporers outside of Julius Ceaser, Augustus Ceaser, and maybe Niro, the crazy fire guy.

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I always forget about the character on "Buffy"
That's another not-so-good association with it, though. Even though I thought the character was wonderfully evil and fun, I don't think I'd want a child named "after" her. LOL.

That's another not-so-good association with it, though. Even though I thought the character was wonderfully evil and fun, I don't think I'd want a child named "after" her. LOL.

Oh, Buffy.
I see. Didn't even know that. Well, I guess I could've googled it huh? LOL - duh. It wouldn't have struck me as vampy, but I'm a step behind on such things maybe.
By the way, how do you pronounce Diomira? I'm thinking dee-OH-mee-ra but that could be way wrong. DIE-oh-MEE-ra?
- mirfak

I see. Didn't even know that. Well, I guess I could've googled it huh? LOL - duh. It wouldn't have struck me as vampy, but I'm a step behind on such things maybe.
By the way, how do you pronounce Diomira? I'm thinking dee-OH-mee-ra but that could be way wrong. DIE-oh-MEE-ra?
- mirfak

Honestly, one of my worst flaws as a name-lover is that I often don't take the time to find out how things are supposed to be pronounced. It comes from a book by an Italian writer, though, and it certainly looks like an Italian name, so I would guess dee-oh-MEE-rah.
I admit to liking the amaricanized dee-oh-MEER-ah a bit better, though.

PP adopter! See profile.
I admit to liking the amaricanized dee-oh-MEER-ah a bit better, though.

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This message was edited 5/1/2006, 11:59 PM