LN: Favorite Continent?
1-Europe: Last name is Italian
DH: Favorite Music Genre?
5-other- Your choice
Samuel Thomas
DW: Favorite Food Group?
3-Fruits: Both names must begin with the same letter.
Carolina Claire
Number of Children: Take the number of children your mother has and multiply it by three.
9 children
Gender of children:
Flip a coin. Heads=boy, tails=girl.
boys:5 girls:4
Naming style for children: Which of the following names do you like best?
Chloe: Pick names from this year's 100 most popular names list.
Patrick JacobDS:
Nicholas DavidDD/DS:
Sarah Anna / Benjmain
Alexandra GraceDS:
John MichaelDS:
Aidan JoshuaDD:
Elizabeth ChloeDD:
Victoria Rebecca