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[Opinions] Re: British-Cypriot BA
It's actually not a "joke" of a name -- it has history and substance. :)
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I know it's got a history ...I know about Archimedes and his screw and his Eureka moment. It's a joke name anyway, the same as Socrates would be now, or Methuselah.
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I kind of like Archimedes. No joke. But I also like other strong, elaborate, historical names like Leonidas and Erasmus. And although I wouldn’t expect everyone I meet to LIKE those names, I’d hope nobody would think they were a joke.
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I guess I don't understand your unequivocal dismissal of it as a "joke name." For me, a "joke name" would be something like Twinkletoes or Rumpelstiltskin. Maybe Thumbelina?
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