[Opinions] Tegan
Do you like Tegan?How do you pronounce it and where are you from?Do you know what the Welsh pronunciation is?Is it true that it means "toy" in Welsh? This site says it come from "teg" which means "fair" but in the comments someone wrote it means "toy".If you are from the UK is it dated there? And how do Tegan and Tamsin feel (dated? modern, classic etc.?).Tamsin or Tegan?
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I prefer the spelling Teghan
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It's a cute name, I associate it mostly with the lesbian band. Never met or heard of another Tegan.
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It's a bit boring to me but it's not a bad name. I'm kinda neutral about it really.I live in Australia and pronouce it tee-GN. Tegan does feel a little dated to me, like mid 90's to mid 00's. I prefer Tamsin just because it's more interesting to me than Tegan.And as an extra point, I knew a family with 4 girls whose names went together well (I thought): Tegan, Brooke, Jackie and Rachel.
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I’ve never liked Tegan or Tamsin. They both seem extremely juvenile and kiddish, like a different Raegan or Megan/Meghan/Maegan.According to Google Translate, "tegan" does mean "toy" in Welsh.
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I'm in the UK and would pronounce it Tee-gan but to be honest I've never met one and it's never been popular here. It does feel a bit dated to me though. There was a Teigan in Home and Away (Australian soap) in the 90s and I think I heard of some other Teigans/Teegans/Tegans around the same time but I don't know any personally. I'm not a huge fan but then I'm not so keen on modern names.Tamsin is lovely in my opinion and a completely different style of name to Tegan. It doesn't feel dated to me. Partly because I don't think it's ever been massively popular although I have known a few.
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I like it. Tea gan, I'm an Aussie. I like Tamsin too. They feel modern. Taryn is similar too

This message was edited 10/8/2020, 5:07 AM

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I like Tegan, but prefer the Teagan spelling (though this makes it an entirely different name)I pronounce it like "tea" like "a cup of tea" and rhyming with "Meagan" ("ga-" as in "gammon" and not as in "gun")I'm unsure if it means "toy" sorry, I'm not WelshI'm from England, specifically the North-West. I hadn't heard of either Tegan / Teagan or Tamsin before the last couple of years (though I knew of somebody called Tasmin). I don't think either are dated. Perhaps Tegan / Teagan is slightly so as it sounds similar to Megan and that might be considered dated now as a name from the 90s/2000s. Tamsin I don't have any guesses for.Teagan (with this spelling) is actually in my top 10. And the "dated" guess I have does not bother me. It's hardly an Ethel.
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I'd expect it to have a short e sound, so Teg- would rhyme with peg. Like Megan (which is Welsh), as it used to be before people started using a long ee and making it Meegan. I'm from South Africa. I don't think I've ever met a South African Tegan, and that's fine by me: it seems very uninteresting, as does Tamsin actually.
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I've never heard of anybody pronounce Megan with a long ee sound, I'm struggling to imagine that xD
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You are very lucky! Once I taught a class which contained a Megan and a Meegan: it made my head spin.
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Were they at least spelled differently? Gonna be honest, I'm not keen on the long "Meee-" sound just as much as I'm not keen on they "May-" or "-Gun" sounds
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Same spelling, different sounds. I also dislike that very egotistical MEEE, and also names like Ivy and Ivan ... but that's not logical because I do like Iris.
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I say TEE-gən and it just reminds me of Tegan & Sara. (If not for Tegan & Sara I probably would just dislike it. But it is definitely better than Teagan.)I think it's okay as a tomboy name, but it might be dated in the US. There's a category of mostly-androgynous 90's names like Tegan, Teagan, Fallon, Jordan, Morgan, Megan, Reagan, Taryn, etc. that all seem dated as a group.In the US I think Tegan is a little dated and Tamsin is old-fashioned in a good way (not popular enough to be classic, but not dated either. It feels more like a fantasy character name). Tamsin probably feels different in the UK though.

This message was edited 10/6/2020, 10:33 AM

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Isn't Tegan strictly feminine? It seems like that to me and says so on this site, kind of like Rhiannon or Tamsin. It also reminds me of Megan.I think Teagan is the unisex one, but it has a different etymology. But I guess they sound the same so I see where you're coming from.To me Tegan has something very feminine about it, I get a similar image as I do from Rhiannon. I think of a queen on a horse :)
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Oh, I didn't know Teagan was different from Tegan. I wouldn't be surprised to see a male Tegan in the US because of Teagan, Keegan, etc. Tegan feels modern and sporty to me, but Tegwen kind of gives me that Rhiannon-y vibe.
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I don't think I care for it on a girl. It's better on a boy. I'd pronounce it TEE-gan unless told otherwise. I definitely prefer Tamsin for a girl. Tamsin would not feel dated in the US because it's never been at all popular here. I've never met one. Same goes for Tegan.

This message was edited 10/6/2020, 9:44 AM

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