I used some of the same meanings more than once.
Urban Ulrich (
Ulrich means "prosperity and power")
Nathaniel Grant (
Grant means "great, large")
Iain Baldric (
Baldric means "bold, brave" and "power, rule")
Tyler Ariston (
Ariston means "the best")
Emily Carys (
Carys means "love")
Danielle Caoimhe (
Caoimhe means "beautiful")
Stella Joy (
Joy means...well, "joy")
Tristan Felix (
Felix means "lucky, successful")
Ava Melisande (
Melisande means "work, labor" and "strength")
Travis Ehud (
Ehud means "united")
Esme Caramia (
Caramia means "my beloved")
Sebastian Hamo (
Hamo means "home")
Orlando Wyatt (
Wyatt means "brave in war")
Francis Asher (
Asher means "happy" or "blessed")
Alexandra Gaia (
Gaia means "earth")
Marie Aspasia (
Aspasia means "welcome")
Ewan Arnold (
Arnold means "eagle power", which was remarkably appropriate)
Reagan Amy (
Amy means "beloved")
Isaiah Charlton (
Charlton means "settlement of free men")
Claire Astra (
Astra means "star", as in 'stars and stripes')
Alice Hope (
Hope means...I don't think I need an explanation for this one)
21 kids...my, I was productive.