[Opinions] Re: Antonello or Antonino?
I think Antonello flows better but I personally prefer their female counterparts Antonella and Antonina, for some reason I just don't get the same feeling with the male versions I don't know why because there are many names where I prefer male equivalents just the same. I definitely don't dislike them though it's just a preference.Please rate my favorite names list if you have a spare moment, thank you :) https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/223226/138473
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Antonello or Antonino?  ·  AliNic  ·  2/15/2021, 2:35 AM
Antonino (Nino)  ·  S2  ·  2/15/2021, 7:25 PM
Re: Antonello or Antonino?  ·  Dianatiger  ·  2/15/2021, 8:42 AM
Antonello  ·  noisynora  ·  2/15/2021, 7:49 AM
Antonino  ·  I like old names  ·  2/15/2021, 4:30 AM
Re: Antonello or Antonino?  ·  New_Chloe  ·  2/15/2021, 3:09 AM