I'll judge the first 15. :)
LN: (anything)
SO1: (a name from literature; FN and MN can reference different characters)
SO2: (ditto, but the names come from movies)
DD: (FN from the same book at SO1's MN; MN from the same movie as SO2's FN)
DS: (FN from the same movie as SO2's MN; MN from the same book as SO1's FN)
DS/DD: (FNs are places; MNs are related by a theme of your choice)
DD: (FN is a variant of SO1's MN; MN is a variant of SO2's FN)
DS: (FN is a variant of SO2's MN; MN is a variant of SO1's FN)
Pet: (your choice)
-- Sarah