I already know what the general consensus on this would be but I'm going to ask anyway.
I knew a girl with this name once. She was in my year group (born between 93 - 95).
Nice girl for the most part.
Tall, long brown hair, olive skin (she was white but her family was on the richer side so they went on holiday a lot resulting in a permanent tan) and brown eyes.
Obsessed with handbag size (apparently bigger was better and she could have carted around a small elephant in them).
Was critical of music she deemed "old".
Irresponsible with phones because her parents could afford it.
Soft as all hell - that girl could be beaten up by a fly.
Probably bisexual. She had an interest in images of scantly-clad women, and collected them on her phone.
Didn't like fighting or negative environments.
The most naïve person I've ever known - the most at risk person of being scammed by a poorly-spelled email and a link to "Facebook" asking for her login details.
What do you think of her name and do you think it suits her character? If not, how would you rename her?
"one particular boogie will move mirror massaging with stirring crepe mixture, positioning loaves while in the furnace then toting items in containers" ~ best Russian daing sites (guest, 198.144.149.xxx) (2020)
Formally PrincessZ and Princess Magpie