Yeah, I've found previously that people just aren't as into middle names on here as the first names (in general) but they really do "make the whole meal" so to speak! A good half the women I know or more have the middle names Anne, Marie, or Elizabeth but there is just so much more to be had than only those choices. I'd definitely say that I like more names for middles than first names because I'm more picky on the ones for day-to-day use, whereas the middle is more of a complementary garnish so I'm more flexible.
I really love my own middle name and was very proud of it as a younger person. It made me feel unique among some of my female peers. Possibly counterintuitive, but I feel as many people should have this feeling as possible lol
Please rate my "Names I would Use" list & "Backup Favorites" list. Feel free to rate some of my other lists too if you have the time.