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[Opinions] Re: Shiley
The "shy" element in names is actually one I really enjoy, I love the sound a lot, but the problem with these names that lend themselves to be shortened this way is that it sounds exactly like "shyly" which is...too cute, and a little sad. Long ago I had a friend-of-a-friend who was always called "Shy" as a nickname, short for something (I never found out) and it always seemed a bit cruel to me. I don't think there's anything wrong with being shy, but I know that in most people's minds being shy is something that needs to be overcome or outgrown, so "Shy" and "Shiley" feels like a mocking name rather than an affectionate one :(Shiley as a nn for Shiloh doesn't make Shiloh any quicker or easier to say, so it doesn't really work for me there. As a name of its own I guess it could work, but I don't like it, for the reasons stated above.

This message was edited 5/8/2022, 9:58 AM

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