[Facts] Re: meaning of name
Lonna was named after Lana Turner. I saw one place it was hawian, another greek...I think it was. But found some dirivatives of the names. arona and miryam for rhonda.Yisraela and nediva for lonna and zahara and meira, orah for helaina. Why I ask is we have jewish heritage we never knew we had. ( an aunt told us years later. And from researching.) We were wanting the closet of our names to what it would be in hebrew.
Do you have any suggestions? Some given names were broke down to fit that particual culture. so I was told. Makes sense though!Could you also tell me were the surnames Kahler, Gabriel and Gearhart may come from?Thanks for your reply and help. Hope you can help one more time.
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meaning of name  ·  helaina  ·  5/29/2006, 6:06 PM
Re: meaning of name  ·  Chrisell  ·  5/29/2006, 6:45 PM
Re: meaning of name  ·  helaina  ·  5/29/2006, 8:39 PM
Oh, I see - you want Hebrew *equivalents* . . .  ·  Chrisell  ·  5/29/2006, 9:59 PM
Re: Oh, I see - you want Hebrew *equivalents* . . .  ·  helaina  ·  5/30/2006, 7:26 PM
Re: Oh, I see - you want Hebrew *equivalents* . . .  ·  Helaina  ·  5/31/2006, 6:17 PM
Re: Oh, I see - you want Hebrew *equivalents* . . .  ·  Chrisell  ·  5/30/2006, 10:42 PM
Chrisell *equivalents* . . .  ·  Pavlos  ·  5/31/2006, 1:47 AM
You must be awesome at scrabble :P nt  ·  Mar  ·  5/31/2006, 4:42 PM