DH: (49)
Ronan Miles O'Reilly (
Mary R.)
DW: (49)
Nyx Astraea (Nightingale) O’Reilly (
Emily Amy)
DD1: (23)
Nadya Amy O’Reilly (tolkienscholar)
-DH: (23)
DS1: (21)
Harris Tigernán O’Reilly (molly)
-Dgf: (21)
DD2: (17)
Niamh Noelia O’Reilly (Nix)
Nadya’s husband*First name is an uncommon country name (the country he was born in)
*Middle name is a name that is used in the language that country.
*Last name is also the same language as the country and is very common.
Harris’ girlfriend*Her name has a letter appearing 3 times in it.
*Her middle name is a month name.
*Her last name is a color.
“The more times and the more different things you do, the more likely it is that you succeed.” -
Brian Tracy