[Opinions] Re: Roslin
Feels like a very choppy version of Rosaline, which is so pretty as it is to me. Like when Caroline is spelled Carolyn. NmsPlease rate my "Names I would Use" list & "Backup Favorites" list. Feel free to rate some of my other lists too if you have the time.
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Roslin  ·  Impala1729  ·  5/13/2023, 3:56 PM
Re: Roslin  ·  fisher_king_22  ·  5/14/2023, 3:32 AM
Re: Roslin  ·  BeccyLeader2  ·  5/14/2023, 1:34 AM
Re: Roslin  ·  Dianatiger  ·  5/13/2023, 5:32 PM
Re: Roslin  ·  Realisticmind379  ·  5/13/2023, 7:24 PM
Re: Roslin  ·  Realisticmind379  ·  5/13/2023, 4:42 PM
Re: Roslin  ·  Kerilyntaryn21  ·  5/13/2023, 4:27 PM