Yellow roses have come a long way since being considered the Victorian Era representation of dying love, stemming from infidelity or jealousy. But given the sunny appearance of the yellow rose and its spectacular aura, it is no surprise that they have prevailed through the dark ages and today they are now representative of unbridled and un-circumstantial friendship. They are also used to symbolize resolved riffs, and reconciliation and a gentle reassurance of new beginnings.
Choose your favourite yellow rose
1) Lady Banks
2) Ringo
3) Graham Thomas
4) Sunny Knock Out
5) Poet’s Wife
6) Arthur Bell
1) Mary Linda Blanche Octavia Dulcie Ismena Christabel Miller Felicity Michaelina Snowdrop
2) Maple Damaris Ambrosine Blossom Hebe Selina Frederica Polymnia Georgina Lucretia Venus
3) Mehetabel Hero Brunhilde Ayliffe Emerence Keturah Sheba Zelmira Muriel Etheline Annie
4) Gwendoline Tamar Leonora Eulalie Adrienne Candace Hesperia Mercy Adelaide Oceana Letitia
5) Penelope Huldah Casiphia Ambrosine Fuchsia Loveday Theolinda Blythe Ada Francesca Bertha
6) Wrenny Lulu Goldie Amabel Clytie Jerusha Roxana Catherine Alphonsine Urania Belinda