[Opinions] Re: Theodate
As others said, finding out the origin was a journey... I wish I liked the sound, because the meaning is neat. People and battle, so "people of the battle" or "battle of the people / people's battle"? Either way a pretty cool meaning, I'd totally use a name meaning either of those things.
But if it's said theo-dayt it's just clunky, and not the clunky-but-cute kind.
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Theodate  ·  Pickles  ·  11/8/2023, 5:09 AM
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Re: Theodate  ·  Pickles  ·  11/9/2023, 6:01 AM
Re: Theodate  ·  Anneza  ·  11/8/2023, 10:49 PM
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Re: Theodate  ·  Manipura  ·  11/9/2023, 6:30 AM
Re: Theodate  ·  mirfak  ·  11/9/2023, 6:38 PM
Re: Theodate  ·  Pickles  ·  11/8/2023, 4:37 PM
Re: Theodate  ·  New_Chloë  ·  11/8/2023, 8:22 AM
Re: Theodate  ·  Wordsmith  ·  11/8/2023, 6:37 AM
Re: Theodate  ·  Kerilyntaryn21  ·  11/8/2023, 5:51 AM
Re: Theodate  ·  Ohad Yigal  ·  11/8/2023, 5:21 AM