[Opinions] Re: Brigitta
in reply to a message by Olwen
I think I get why Brigitta isn't more popular. Its strongest association is the Sound of Music, which is positive, but a little bit.... dorky, I guess? And although it matches the current tone of beloved frilly names, the "-itta" ending isn't as familiar as the "-ella" "-ia" and "-ana" style that people seem to prefer in North America. That crisp "ee-ta" sound wouldn't come naturally to my accent, either: we love turning Ts into Ds, so it would become "Breh-GEE-da" - not as nice. The aren't any easy nicknames for it either. Gita sounds too exotic (and would be turned into Gee-da anyway). The Bri- beginning isn't a nice clear Bree or Bry sound, so it's not easy to use the beginning as a short form. "Brig" wouldn't appeal to many. I think it's death by a thousand cuts with Brigitta, sadly.I do like Brigitta though, it makes me think of shiny caramel-coloured candy. Bridget is more blunt but Brigitta snaps, crackles, and pops.
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