[Opinions] Re: Is there any correlation between the boy name on girl and gender bias?
I really dislike the way that people think about names, but I have my own biases to reflect on. I would not name my son Courtney or Lindsay - not because I dislike the names on boys, but because I fear my son will be teased/bullied. It's really the same reason I would never call a daughter Gay or Gayla. The sound of them isn't bad, but rather, the association people have with those sounds is bad. If I could, I would give all of my children "far out there" names. However, I have to consider that they may have a hard time being taken seriously. If I was "responsible" for them being bullied, I would not know how to respond.https://youtube.com/@MarioDrama632 or
https://youtube.com/@Objects_2763 :3
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Is there any correlation between the boy name on girl and gender bias?  ·  Francisinfp5w4  ·  2/29/2024, 8:05 PM
Re: Is there any correlation between the boy name on girl and gender bias?  ·  ShioTanbo1  ·  3/1/2024, 3:14 PM
Re: Is there any correlation between the boy name on girl and gender bias?  ·  clevelandkentevans  ·  3/1/2024, 8:26 AM
Re: Is there any correlation between the boy name on girl and gender bias?  ·  Francisinfp5w4  ·  3/1/2024, 8:27 AM
Re: Is there any correlation between the boy name on girl and gender bias?  ·  Francisinfp5w4  ·  2/29/2024, 9:44 PM
Re: Is there any correlation between the boy name on girl and gender bias?  ·  Francisinfp5w4  ·  2/29/2024, 9:28 PM
Re: Is there any correlation between the boy name on girl and gender bias?  ·  Francisinfp5w4  ·  2/29/2024, 9:06 PM