[Opinions] Re: What do you think of Ausma?
I thought of asthma as well first and then secondly like it might be the short form of an autism-spectrum-based association? Neither of these are bad associations at all, I feel at worst very neutral to anything with any association like those, but they were the first things to pop into my head. Like I thought asthma but then I also thought 'sounds like a company who'd deliver a cracking neurodiversity talk'.
Negatives though, I just don't think I like it however I try and say it. The 'sma' sound at the end is phlegmy and not nice, and as much as I try and kid myself I don't think there's many Au- names I like either. Aurora, for example, makes me angry. Beautiful natural phenomena, one of the most irritating names going. I also don't think the meaning is particularly thrilling... not a bad meaning, but dull and not enough to make it stand out or redeem the parts of the name I don't like (although name meaning really is bottom of the pile in that respect, and it's gotta be a pretty spectacularly cool meaning for it to redeem any name).