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[Opinions] Jocelyn
One of the kids in my class is going to be a big sister soon. The name for the new baby is going to be Jocelyn used to not like the name but lately it’s grown on me. What do you think? And what middle names would you use?
I like:
Jocelyn Lily
Jocelyn Paige
Jocelyn Margaret
Jocelyn Olivia


I think of it as more of a 90's name, especially with Paige. Jocelyn Ray
Jocelyn Rose
Jocelyn Hannah
Jocelyn Margot
Jocelyn Tatiana
Jocelyn Natalie
Jocelyn Aimee
Jocelyn Kelle
Love Jocelyn. My favorite of your combos is Jocelyn Margaret.
I am not fond of the sound. I do like Joyce which this name reminds me of.
I dislike Jocelyn quite a bit, but I like Lily, Paige, Margaret, and Olivia a lot.
I grew up with a couple of girls named Jocelyn; I've always thought it sounded light and feminine. From your list, I like the combinations of Jocelyn Margaret and Jocelyn Paige. One of the girls that I used to know was Jocelyn Maria, and I think that was a gorgeous combination. Jocelyn Rebecca
Jocelyn Dorothy
Jocelyn Faye
Jocelyn Cora
Jocelyn Patricia
Jocelyn Heather
Jocelyn Miriam
Jocelyn Amora
Jocelyn Marie
Jocelyn Phoebe
Jocelyn Ruby
I know a Jocelyn. Her sister is Daphne. They're elementary aged. Unlike Chloe, I see Jocelyn as a snotty brat from the 1980s. It's a very pretty name, but it's similar in feeling to Blair.🫤
It gives me an 80s vibe too but I don’t see it as snooty. I agree about Blair. Other 80s snooty names to me are Veronica, Melissa, Cynthia, and Angela.

This message was edited 9/1/2024, 6:52 AM

Your interpretation makes more sense. I have no idea why I associate Jocelyn with the 1930s. Must have been something I saw when I was young and my brain just filed it away somewhere!
Jocelyn is one of those fascinatingly timeless-dated names that I'm surprised is still used with some regularity. Jocelyn gives me glamorous 1930s vibes, which I enjoy, and "Joss" is very saucy and cute as a nickname. It's kind of strange to me that in the USA Jocelyn's peak popularity was in 2007; it doesn't seem to fit its own time period - but that's really cool. Jocelyn feels like a time traveler.If I used Jocelyn, I might try to lean into that Art Deco, 1920s/30s sort of energy:Jocelyn Ruby
Jocelyn Jeanne
Jocelyn Lila
Jocelyn Lucille
Jocelyn Frida
Jocelyn Eva
Jocelyn Charmaine
Jocelyn Rita
I've always enjoyed Jocelyn for its alert and perky elegance. There was a girl named Jocelyn at school who was never, to my knowledge, called anything else. Years later, I saw her again behind the counter in a bank, wearing a chain round her neck with the ghastly word JOSSIE on it. I was really disappointed.In my life, Jocelyn would be a middle! Alice Jocelyn
Dorelia Jocelyn
Lucy Jocelyn
Dinah Jocelyn
Tessa Jocelyn
I prefer Josie as a nickname. I also think Jocelyn is a nice middle name.

This message was edited 9/1/2024, 6:56 AM