[Games] Generational Landmine CAF #3
So sorry for the delay! I went on vacation :)1 - https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5537276
2 - https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5537399
CHILD TWOAegean Cat:
Caleb, Nicholas, Talon, Joel, Arthur, Stephen, George, ChristopherBengal Cat:
Nathalie, Victoria, Mariyah, Kira, Brooklyn, Peyton, Audrina, JazleneNorwegian Forest Cat:
Coryo, Sejanus, Casca, Lucky, Jessup, Mizzen, Bobbin, Circ, Lepidus, Treech
Exotic Shorthair Cat:
Lexi, Irene, Donna, Clarissa, Esmeralda, Hailee, Esther, Kassidy, Leila, ShirleySerengeti Cat:
Vincent, Davian, Broderick, Caiden, Ian, Kolby, Tucker, Cullen, Dominic, MatiasThai Cat:
Noemi, Jaylah, Juliet, Talia, Shannon, Lillian, Kinley, Alexandra, Carina, Zara
Choose one of the following for the next round:Netflix Reality TV Shows (choose your favorite or the one you've watched)Perfect Match
The Trust: A Game of Greed
Love is Blind
Too Hot to Handle
The Circle
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DW: Arielle Makayla [Hirsch] Delara
DH: Casper DelaraDD: Beatrice Delara
DD: Nathalie DelaraArielle and Casper with Beatrice and NathalieThe Circle
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Can someone explain to me how to play?
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Starting at the first game, you start with the parents and choose an option. Every round, you choose an option, giving you a namebank in the next round for more family members. One of the namebanks has a themed list (this round's was from Battle of Songbirds and Snakes).
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DH: Nathan Elijah Isaacs
DW: Roya Daria [Shima] IsaacsDS: Hendrix Bo Isaacs
DD: Esther Clarissa IsaacsNathan and Roya Isaacs
Hendrix and Esther
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W: Eden Hannah Swartz
H: Salar Darian ShaheenS: Quinten Skylar ShaheenQuinn
S: Vincent Dominic ShaheenThe Trust
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DH: Abram Ari Daniel
DH: Kyren Benyamin DanielDD: Nymeria Shae Daniel
DS: Lepidus Mizzen DanielSurvivor
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DH: Johnnie Emmanuel James
DW: Esther Jasmine [Iskander] JamesDS: Kenneth Scott James
DS: Lucky Treech JamesSurvivor
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DW: Mikaela Rachael "Miki" Orr
DH: Shilo Kasra AvinaDD: Kaia Lorelei Avina
DS: Coryo Lepidus Avina*The Trust

This message was edited 9/2/2024, 10:46 AM

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DW: Lia Shana (Jacob) Kerman
DH: Jahon Mohsen KermanDD: Noelia Kaia Kerman
DS: Dominic Caiden Kerman**The Trust
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DH: Jared Aaron Fine
DW: Daniella Shelly [Altman] FineDS: Skylar Quinten Fine
DS: Caiden Vincent FineSurvivor! :-)
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DW: Abigail Eve "Abby" Harrell
DH: Rustin Darian JamesDS: Rohan Aditya James
DS: Arthur Caleb JamesThe Trust*****
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DW: Susanne Noemi Singer Mitra
DH: Syris Daryus MitraDS: Ajay Rohan Mitra
DS: Jessup Treech Mitra "Jesse"Survivor
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DH: Abram Zachariah Davis
DW: Aysa Shireen (Armon) DavisDS: Dirk Skylar Davis
DS: Vincent Cullen Davisthe circle
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DW: Makayla Jodi [Samson] Sambak [bisexual cis woman; she/her]
DH: Kavari Matin [Bobak] Sambak [pansexual trans man; he/him]ADD: Ellaria "Lala" Selyse Sambak
ADD: Audrina "Dina" Brooklyn Sambak Love Is Blind is the only one I really even recognize so... Love Is Blind it is lmao
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H: Benjamin Joshua Rosenberg
W: Jillian Anne SingerAS: Arjun Rohan Rosenberg
D: Juliet Lillian RosenbergSurvivor
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DH: Noah Emmanuel Solomon
DW: Artin Nivan Syrus-Solomon DS: Rohan Ajay Solomon
DD: Zara Juliet SolomonLove is Blind
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SO1: Zachery Messiah "Zach" Goldberg
SO2: Roxann Daena "Roxy" [Bobak] Goldberg
-DS1: Skylar Hendrix Goldberg
-DS2: Matias Cullen GoldbergZach & Roxy: Skylar, Matias

This message was edited 8/31/2024, 6:40 PM

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