[Games] Amoret’s Florals: Preview 2/2
Choose your favourite name for your florist shop 🌸Please add the name of the shop on top of your reply
1) Petal Pushers
2) Perfect Petals
3) Willow’s Blooms
4) Cans N Roses
5) Blooming Botanics
6) The Fairy Garden
7) Love and Lavender
8) Daisy Chain
9) Botanical Spitit
10) Flowers And Fancies
11) Bloom & Vine
12) Nightshade
Last names: floral
1) Noah Jack Franco Boone Rafe Angus Wade Anthony Tanner Bobby Cecil Emmett Quentin & Rylynn Lourdes Hopestill Elnora Cynthia Penelope Atlas Rosemarie Betty Daphne Frederica Laurel Haven Blythe
2) Soren Jonah Ellis Copper Basil Wolfgang Caleb Thorsten Edgar Hendrik Nathanael Shiloh & Sofia Nadine Holland Danilyn Marceline Adrienne Lunamaria Aspen Cassandra Edelweiss Kajsa Morgana Baya
3) Benedict Otho Malcolm Hugo Corin Aubin Ignatius Corentin Emmett Jarrett Maxton Rhys Anselm & Rosaline Jessamine Elnora Calanthe Magdalena Artemis Dagny Aloysia Viorica Cerelia Geneva Leonora Philophrosyne
4) Nevada Lysander Ezra Caspian Archie Danger Trace August Clifford Hudson Ridge Michael Bentley & Rue Maple Juniper Delphine Vivienne Atlantis Nefeli Allegra Taryn Caledonia Gaia Lilith Sierra
5) Tristan Julian Benjamin Warren Morgan Brooks Christopher Henry Joel Kieran Ryan Elliot & Tess Pearl Johanna Grace Cecilia Ruth Anneliese Sloane Brielle Eliza(beth) Hazel Olivia Story
6) Timothy Ezekiel Asa Job Matthias Lucius Isaiah Benjamin Raphael Judah Micaiah Eli Abel Thaddeus & Eua Joanna Huldah Damaris Martha Junia Rachel Dina(h) Keziah Abigail Jerusha Magdalena Izebel Nympha
7) Rhett Sebastian Huckleberry Jolyon Holden Chance Wolf Dunstan Sawyer Heathcliff Ishmael Rhysand & Prairie Narcissa Guinevere Clarissa Tristana Atalanta Rosamond Isolde Bennington Desdemona Mamie Ninetta Kitty Bella
8) Woodrow Stephen Herbert Noah Mack(enzie) Christian Fitzarthur Beau Harlan Mattison Lawton Jules Hardy Rupert & Rose Bette Virginia Jane Dulcie Hebe Saxonia Gwencoline May Jerusha Esterlie Damaris Allegra Francesca Harriet
9) Archer Tristan Dakota Hunter Declan Lochlan Sage Mason Elias Nolan Max Frankie Roman & Summer Piper India Georgia Autumn Serena Danica Thea Astrid Hope Odessa Paige Raina
10) Reid Jeremy Heath Edward York Amias Jocelyn Hunter Adonis Dashiell Elisha Joel Wolfram & Vivica Teagan Jordana Estelle Dahlia Adriana Tempest Davina Eden Alyssa Dinah Elmira Heidi Maryn Ursa
11) Rembrandt Leonidas Ezra Cassian Lysander Alistair Stellan August Conrad Horatio Lysander Sholto Valentine & Poppy Linnea Hero Evadne Calliope Wisteria Amalthea Rosamund Calypso Esmé Galilea Juliet Loveday Rosalie Arden
12) Jethro Emlyn Calix(t) Achille Saxon Aubrey Crispin Gus Rocco Luke Baptist Duke & Mercy Nellie Ivy Desdemona Penelope Addie Selina Ariadne Britomart Hedwig Jessamine WindsorEdit, as I forgot to add number 7s spouse
formerly Belphoebe⭐️I am in the mood
to dissolve
in the sky.
- Virginia Woolf

This message was edited 9/3/2024, 7:56 AM

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The Fairy GardenDH: Benjamin Timothy Gardener “Ben”
DW: Abigail Joanna [Bloom] Gardener “Abby”Ben & Abby Gardener
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Flowers and BloomsDH: Edward Heath Bellerose
DW: Jordana Estelle Fiore Bellerose
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DH| Lysander August Meadowsweet
DW| Esmé Rosamund {Carnation} Meadowsweet
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W: Martha Damaris Bloom (Flores)
D: Raphael Mattias Flores
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LN: FlowersDH: Ezra Leonidas Flowers
DW: Evadne Loveday [Oismets] Flowers
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The Rosewood FamilyThe Rosewood FamilyH: Boone Emmett Rosewood
W: Lourdes Frederica (Ortega Flores) Rosewood, "Lola"
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H: Asa Benjamin Flowers
W: Rachel Dinah [Bloom] Flowers
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the carnationsh: Stellan Lysander August 'Sly'
w: Linnea Wisteria Juliet 'Nea'~ bloom & vine ~
Stellan and Linnea Carnation
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DH: Noah Jules Flowers
DW: Bette May [Rose] Flowers
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DH: Anselm Hugo Rosen
DW: Leonora Aloysia Farhi
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Daisy ChainDH: Rupert Christian Lavender
DW: Dulcie Rose Flowers
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W: Ariadne Penelope Flowers
H: Rocco Achille Violet
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H: Quentin Angus Nightshade
W: Rosemarie Blythe Thistle NightshadeQuentin & Rosemarie (Romie).
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DH: Christian Rupert Belrose
DW: Damaris Allegra (Flores) Belrose
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The Fairy GardenDH: Benjamin Eli Rose "Ben"
DW: Abigail Joanna Flowers Rose "Abby"
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The Fairy GardenH: Judah Matthias Ljunggren
W: Magdalena Junia [Flores] Ljunggren Judah & Magdalena
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Perfect PetalsDH: Jonah Hendrik Bloom
DW: Cassandra Marceline Bloom nee Flowers "Cassie"
Jonah & Cassie
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Cans N RosesMichael Clifford Hudson & Vivienne Gaia Hudson
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Nightshade 🪻
DH: Rocco Calix
DW: Selina Jessamine
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~ ❈Love & Lavender❈~

Wolf Rhysand Sebastian ❤️ Atalanta Isolde Desdemona (née Rose)[Wolf & Atalanta]
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You got the names from our PNLs!Bloom & VineDH: August Rembrandt Fiore
DW: Amalthea Loveday Reed
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I did of those I could see!
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Bloom and VineDH: August Conrad Lily
DW: Wisteria Arden {Snow} Lily
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Daisy ChainDH: Harlan Noah Blomgren
DW: Damaris Saxonia Blomgren (nee Ōkano)Harlan & Damaris Blomgren
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Daisy ChainH: Jules Fitzarthur Lewandowski
W: Rose Francesca {Lillevere} Lewandowski
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Blooming Botanics Henry Brooks + Story Cecilia {Roosevelt} Fiala

This message was edited 9/5/2024, 3:42 PM

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The Fairy GardenH: Eli Benjamin Bloom
W: Rachel Damaris [Greene] Bloom
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Daisy ChainSO: Rupert Mackenzie Harlan Woodbine
SO: Dulcie Rose Bluth
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Blooming BotanicsH: Julian Henry Roosevelt
W: Cecilia Ruth Blumstein
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NightshadeDW: Mercy Desdemona Hedwig (Montefiore) Thorne
DH: Achille Saxon Emlyn Thorne

This message was edited 9/4/2024, 1:15 AM

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Daisy ChainDH: Stephen Herbert Rose
DW: Jane Allegra (Bloom) Rose
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The Gerber Family - Daisy ChainDaisy Chain*DH: Fitzarthur "Fitz" Mattison Rupert Gerber [straight cis man; he/him]
DW: Francesca "Chessie" Esterlie Blancaflor Gerber [straight cis woman; she/her]
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Willow’s BloomsDH: Hugo Anselm Saffron
DW: Dagny Elnora (Rose) Saffron
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6. The Fairy GardenH: Asa Raphael Blumenthal
W: Junia Magdalena Fiala
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