[Surname] ziskind (a message for the mods)
This last name is derived from a Yiddish first name and not an ornamental surname
I did my research and found out that Ziskind alongside other Jewish last names is derived from a given name
I am requesting the entry be changed from "ornamental" to be changed to "derived from a given name"https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/3825225/jewish/Popular-Jewish-Hebrew-Boy-Names.htmhttps://bloodandfrogs.com/2020/03/pre-war-male-jewish-names-in-poland.htmlhttps://repozytorium.uwb.edu.pl/jspui/bitstream/11320/7956/1/Zofia%20Abramowicz_Antroponimia_%C5%BByd%C3%B3w%20bia%C5%82ostockich.pdf"The language of names. Jewish onomastics in Late Medieval Germany, identity and Acculturation" page 35"A Dictionary of Ashkenazic Given Names" page 10

This message was edited 9/10/2024, 7:44 AM

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