[Games] moodboard picking CAF part alternative 15.5# (2/6) (alternative Solution instead of part 1/3)
1 game: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5503149
the children:
2 game: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5505748
3 game: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5514884
4 game: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5518019
5 game: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5523932
The so's and next-gen:
game 6: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5526972
game 7: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5531575
game 8: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5535090
game 9: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5535963
game 10: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5537245
game 11: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5537462
game 12: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5541997
game 13: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5543047
part 14: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5545420
part 1/3: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5550471
Additional middle names/surnames are all optional order: FN MN{SecondMN/SecondLN} & Last name
--The titles were all made for me so I can tell them all apart, there is no weight for the name you are supposed to choose solely based on your judgment and style
--Feel free to choose as many middle names as you'd like
--If a child has multiples, they are twins/triplets unless it says otherwise
-SO's are all optional
--If a SO is nonbinary feel free to use names from both namebanks
4) urban faerie

5) green elegance

6) Herbal tea & lace

4) 5 Grandchildren of your choice get married but they're not having kids yet (Grandchildren being the Children of the main Children):
Lydwin Félicien Hadrian Leofwine Eilert Apollon Cedric Hesiod Seòras Hanne Judicaël Lauris (djen-teel) Gentile Elulio Seamus Aurel Filippus Ezekiel Sa'ar Nour Ismael Nataniel Ossian Amyas Elijah Aren Elie
// Cordula Desiree Laetitia Aliénor Leofwynn Sierra Zoe Zyra Clara Briar Lilith April Olivia Roxanne Noémie Tamsin Moria Sierra Winifred Esperanza Sydna Noelle Laela Willemijn Ernesta Clotilde Hendrika
one children of the 3 welcomes a raven:
Sidra Ninette Laura Sandra (Ilse)lore Rissa Nyx Iris Bluma & Ruffin Binem Lysander Judas Herman Robert Fiore Hansbert
LN: Celtic
5) 5 Grandchildren of your choice get married but they're not having kids yet (Grandchildren being the Children of the main Children):
Olivette Aiona August Laurence Emilie Fiore Agnessa Julietta Alani Anfisa Blodeuyn Eirlys Ione Olinda Violeta Zahra Kerasia Kirrilie Laurea Liriel Melisande Rosen Moria Chamomile Kleanthes Liberty Dinorah Othilia Domicella Altilde Wulfhilde Fleurette Edelweiss Erdmuthe Nechama Yekarah Sonja Elyssia Leonie Annephine Larissa Isabeau Demelza Romilly Amance Emmeline Chrysanthemum Prudence Aldessa Doralice Amanda Wilhemine Clemency Amina Desierra Restituta Delice Cecily Baptistine Emma Dinorah Odette Helewise Amice Alveradis
// Asa Laurence Linnaeus Gaspard Nehemiah Hieronymus Leonhart Prospero Arvid Florizel Oren Widogast Aciano Anthemion Celeborn Floscellus August Fiore Chamomile Oleander Kleanthes Rosen Bastian Werner Barnabas Edvard Herschel Diderot Tombaugh Graeme Buchner Eliphalet Earnest Zeppelin Ferdinand Galileo Paget Kolbe Horace Prescott Blanchard Perrin Caelum Fleury Neriah Emery Ludwig Nehemiah Americo Altfrid Clovis Aubert Calud Percival Louis Clemencien Altbert Romilly Amance Chrysanthemum Baptist Hendrix Desir Ludovic Amis Fairman
6)5 Grandchildren of your choice get married but they're not having kids yet (Grandchildren being the Children of the main Children):
(option 3, male, female, and unisex, you can choose from all options, two or one of your choice)
LN: Royal
rate my PLN:
the children:
2 game: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5505748
3 game: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5514884
4 game: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5518019
5 game: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5523932
The so's and next-gen:
game 6: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5526972
game 7: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5531575
game 8: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5535090
game 9: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5535963
game 10: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5537245
game 11: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5537462
game 12: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5541997
game 13: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5543047
part 14: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5545420
part 1/3: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5550471
Additional middle names/surnames are all optional order: FN MN{SecondMN/SecondLN} & Last name
--The titles were all made for me so I can tell them all apart, there is no weight for the name you are supposed to choose solely based on your judgment and style
--Feel free to choose as many middle names as you'd like
--If a child has multiples, they are twins/triplets unless it says otherwise
-SO's are all optional
--If a SO is nonbinary feel free to use names from both namebanks
4) urban faerie

5) green elegance

6) Herbal tea & lace

4) 5 Grandchildren of your choice get married but they're not having kids yet (Grandchildren being the Children of the main Children):
Lydwin Félicien Hadrian Leofwine Eilert Apollon Cedric Hesiod Seòras Hanne Judicaël Lauris (djen-teel) Gentile Elulio Seamus Aurel Filippus Ezekiel Sa'ar Nour Ismael Nataniel Ossian Amyas Elijah Aren Elie
// Cordula Desiree Laetitia Aliénor Leofwynn Sierra Zoe Zyra Clara Briar Lilith April Olivia Roxanne Noémie Tamsin Moria Sierra Winifred Esperanza Sydna Noelle Laela Willemijn Ernesta Clotilde Hendrika
one children of the 3 welcomes a raven:
Sidra Ninette Laura Sandra (Ilse)lore Rissa Nyx Iris Bluma & Ruffin Binem Lysander Judas Herman Robert Fiore Hansbert
LN: Celtic
5) 5 Grandchildren of your choice get married but they're not having kids yet (Grandchildren being the Children of the main Children):
Olivette Aiona August Laurence Emilie Fiore Agnessa Julietta Alani Anfisa Blodeuyn Eirlys Ione Olinda Violeta Zahra Kerasia Kirrilie Laurea Liriel Melisande Rosen Moria Chamomile Kleanthes Liberty Dinorah Othilia Domicella Altilde Wulfhilde Fleurette Edelweiss Erdmuthe Nechama Yekarah Sonja Elyssia Leonie Annephine Larissa Isabeau Demelza Romilly Amance Emmeline Chrysanthemum Prudence Aldessa Doralice Amanda Wilhemine Clemency Amina Desierra Restituta Delice Cecily Baptistine Emma Dinorah Odette Helewise Amice Alveradis
// Asa Laurence Linnaeus Gaspard Nehemiah Hieronymus Leonhart Prospero Arvid Florizel Oren Widogast Aciano Anthemion Celeborn Floscellus August Fiore Chamomile Oleander Kleanthes Rosen Bastian Werner Barnabas Edvard Herschel Diderot Tombaugh Graeme Buchner Eliphalet Earnest Zeppelin Ferdinand Galileo Paget Kolbe Horace Prescott Blanchard Perrin Caelum Fleury Neriah Emery Ludwig Nehemiah Americo Altfrid Clovis Aubert Calud Percival Louis Clemencien Altbert Romilly Amance Chrysanthemum Baptist Hendrix Desir Ludovic Amis Fairman
6)5 Grandchildren of your choice get married but they're not having kids yet (Grandchildren being the Children of the main Children):
(option 3, male, female, and unisex, you can choose from all options, two or one of your choice)
LN: Royal
rate my PLN: