[Games] Home Sweet Home (12)
previous round: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5553712⭐️
How did you decorate your en-suite? (choose the style you like)
Child one’s family
1) Three daughters and two sons
https://nameberry.com/blog/sagittarius-baby-names-hit-the-target2) Four sons and four daughters
https://nameberry.com/blog/trendiest-untrendy-names3) Two sons, two daughters and expecting another.. (gender your choice)
https://nameberry.com/blog/november-baby-names-are-stuffed-with-significance4) A daughter, a son and another.. (gender your choice)
https://nameberry.com/blog/updating-popular-1950s-names5) Three daughters and two sons
https://nameberry.com/blog/best-new-top-1000-names6) Six sons
https://nameberry.com/blog/150-european-baby-boy-names7) Three daughters, two sons and expecting another.. (gender your choice)
https://nameberry.com/blog/may-baby-names-celebrate-spring8) Five daughters
formerly Belphoebe⭐️I am in the mood
to dissolve
in the sky.
- Virginia Woolf
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DH: Percival Adrien Romero (r.i.p)
DW: Idalia Silence Ildebert (r.i.p)
*DOG: Fräulein (r.i.p)
*CAT: Pompadour (r.i.p)
CH1: Dulcie Bathsheba (Romero Ildebert) Edison
--DH: Americo Marcel Edison
---S1: Daris Baptsite Edison
---S2: Diego Emilian Edison
---S3: Mael Clement Edison
---S4: Ignacy Leone Edison
---S5: Rasmus Levente Edison
---S6: Cesar Domenicio Edsion
CH2: Issa Pomeline Romero Ildebert
--DH: Rafe Isebrand (Collins) Romero Ildebert
*DCAT: Exilda "X" [Devon Rex]
CH3: Louis Corentin Ildebert
--DW: Annadora Narcisse (Newell) Ildebert
CH4: Stellan Alphonse Romero
--DH: Immanuel Galileo (Hamilton) Romero
CH5: Amalie Faustina (Romero Ildebert) Thomas
--DW: Temperence Swanhilde Thomas
*DDOG: Frost [Newfoundland]
СH6: Lottie Edelweiss (Romero Ildebert) Entwistle
--DH: August Demian Entwistle
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#6DH: Christopher Oswald Taggart
DW: Tanya Alice Gregersen TaggartDS1: Roderick Gary Taggart
DD1: Rosemarie Blair Taggart
DD2: Belle Catherine Taggart
DS2: Stellan Cale Taggart
DD3: Kristen Jane Taggart
DS3: Gareth Alexander TaggartDog 1: Myrtle
Cat 1: LunaDog 1: Molokai
Cat 2: Nut***
DS1: Roderick Gary Taggart
DW: Chastity Allison Lombardo Taggart-DS1: Florian Lars Taggart
-DS2: Julius Urban Taggart
-DS3: Andreas Gael Taggart
-DS4: Gerard Baptiste Taggart
-DS5: Dorian Conrad Taggart
-DS6: Hector Valentin Taggart***
DD1: Rosemarie Blair O'Sullivan (née Taggart)
DH: Ignatius Franklin O'Sullivan***
DD2: Belle Catherine Ingram (née Taggart)
DH: Richard Nicholas Ingram

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This message was edited 12/2/2024, 11:27 AM

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DH: Isaac Norman Denman
DW: Ivy Allison {Lamarre} DenmanDD: Laramie Margaret {Denman} Lane
- DH: Hyram Eldon Lane
- DD: Violet Cecilia Lane
- DS: Jack Davis Lane
- DD: Norah Phoebe LaneDD: Blair Isabel {Denman} Niemec
- DH: Ignacy Aureliusz NiemecDS: Simon Geoffrey Denman
- DW: Tiffany Hanako {Uesugi} DenmanDS: Alexander Russ Evered-Denman
- DH: Spencer Barry Evered-DenmanDS: Pierce Edward Denman
- DW: Lucille Lydia {Wesley} DenmanDS: Nicholas Timothy Denman
- DW: Olga Ragnhild {Thorsen} DenmanBirman: Bliss
Russian Toy Terrier: Champion
Finnish Spitz: Otto [d]
Norwegian Forest Cat: Liv [d]
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DH: Stellan Casper Alexandersson
DW: Nina Daisy (Irving) AlexanderssonDS: Viktor Zedekiah Alexandersson
-DW: Cosima Olive (Stephens) Alexandersson
-DS: Rufus Killian Alexandersson
-DS: Ivo Hendrix Alexandersson
-DD: Flora Winifred Alexandersson
-DD: Sylvia Marigold Alexandersson
-DS: Walter Peregrine AlexanderssonDS: Edwin Saturn Alexandersson
-DW: Mina Eloise (Agnew) AlexanderssonDD: Alix Melusine (Alexandersson) Thurnbull
-DH: August Simeon ThurnbullDS: Soren Frederick Alexandersson
-DW: Emma Raine (Vanderboek) AlexanderssonDS: Leon Malcolm Alexandersson
-DW: Elin Ronja (Virgin) AlexanderssonDD: Maelys Lorena (Alexandersson) Nazelle
-DH: Antoine Isidore NazelleDDog [dec]: Minnie
DCat [dec]: Greer
DCat: Géraldine
DDog: Ocean
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6)DH: Sherman Corey Adler
DW: Nadia Delaney (Iverson) AdlerDS: Christopher Amadeo Adler "Kit"
-DW: Gillian Iona (Lewis) Adler "Gill"
--DS: Andreas Willem Adler
--DS: Conrad Maxence Adler
--DS: Henrik Jules Adler
--DS: Ruben Augustin Adler
--DS: Tobias Emmanuel Adler "Toby"
--DS: Dorian Benedikt Adler DD: Rosemarie Blair (Adler) Fosse "Rose"
-DH: Lionel Yves FosseDD: Charity Cecile (Adler) Wheeler
-DH: Loren Osmund WheelerDD: Juliet Peony Adler "Jules"
-DW: Eugênia Rosário Batalha "Gia"DD: Lillian Amelie (Adler) Sullivan "Lilly"
-DH: Luke Orrin SullivanDD: Susannah Bay (Adler) Mensah
-DH: Seth Osebo MensahCat: Koko
Dog: DobbyDog [dec.]: Trudi
Cat [dec.]: Agnes "Aggie"
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The Trengove Family!The Trengove FamilyH: Colin Oliver Trengove
W: Thelma Ariadne (Guillory) TrengoveD1: Ada Keturah (Trengove) Lovelace
D2: Coral Sophronia Trengove-Newhart
S1: Armand Fitzgerald Trengove
S2: Stellan Alphonse Trengove
D3: Lillian Amalie (Trengove) Walsh, "Lilly"
D4: Thisbe Gabriella TrengoveScottish Terrier: Munro
American Wirehair: Rascal
Bombay: Nyx, "Nyxie"
Maltese: Arran
__________D1: Ada
H: Hallam Edwin LovelaceS1: Rupert Emrys Lovelace
D1 / D2: Ursula Fern Lovelace / Juno Lucilla Lovelace
S2: Lancelot Roswell Lovelace, "Lance"
D3 / S3: Hestia Leonie Lovelace / Harmon Beowulf Lovelace
S4: Wilford Antonius Lovelace, "Will"
D4: Martine Ottilia Lovelace

__________D2: Coral
W: Isabelle Antonia Trengove-Newhart, "Izzy"
__________S1: Armand
W: Tiffany Hannah (Underwood) Trengove
__________S2: Stellan
W: Sarah Beatrice (Evans) Trengove
__________D3: Lilly
H: Lucas Langford Walsh
__________D4: Thisbe
H: Otto Remiel Thorpe
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DH: Malcolm Isaiah Davis
DW: Constance Elsie NormanDD1: Hartley Mattea Davis
-DH: Atlas Campbell Anderson
–DS1: Archer Samson Anderson
–DS2: Brewster Sergeant Anderson
–DD1: Navy Sequoia Anderson
–DD2: Falvia Maize Anderson
–expecting: Scorpio Hendrix Anderson
Hartley + Atlas || Archer, Brewster, Navy, Flavia & ScorpioDD2: Blair Pomeline Davis
-DH: Calvin Inigo Amari
Blair + CalvinDS1: Kiro Spike Davis
-DW: Meadow Elie Davidson
Kiro + Meadow DD3: Elle Kya Davis
-DH: Linden Arlo Regis
Elle + LindenDS2: Titan Zeppelin Davis
-DW: Willow Indigo Lawson
Titan + WillowDD4: Thisbe Raelynn Davis
-DH: Lysander Orville Watson
Thisbe + LysanderDDog: Mai Tai
DCat: Bo
DCat: Quame
DDog: Lord Voldemort
Malcom + Constance || Hartley, Pomeline, Spike, Elle, Titan & Thisbe | Mai Tai, Bo, Quame & Lord Voldemort
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Mikael Iivo David & Celia Ebba NerissaCat: Rusko
Dog: NikkiDS: Ernest Amadeo
-DW: Greta Ilona Larsen
-DS: Frey Oscar Frederick
-DD: Maren Miela Devora
-DD: Thea Sylvie BeatriceDD: Katja Selina
-DH: Lucien Yanis FavreauDS: Edvard August
-DH: Leevi Oliver WigrenDD: Alexandra Larissa
-SO: Elmo Robert BlairDD: Vivienne Eloisa
-BF: Leo Oscar SjögrenDD: Mai Daniela
-GF: Sonja Olivia MalinenDog [dec]: Kurttu
Cat [dec]: Snorri
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W: Clover Odeya Tanner
H: Tobias Asher GarrisonDog: Neptune (Deceased)
Cat: Bob (Deceased)
Cat: Roxie (Devon Rex)
Dog: River (Newfoundland)S: Kit Decker
-W: Goldie Isabelle Lewis
-S: Bram Tobias
-S: Ruben Magnus
-S: Maxim Julius
-S: Boaz Nicolai
-S: Casper Emanuel
-S: Willem DanteD: Maybelle Journey “May”
-H: Leonardo York Frances “Leo”S: Kingsley Sean “King”
-W: Lucy Olivia WyattD: Alexandra Peony “Lexi”
-H: Elvis Rupert BentleyD: Lillian Amalie “Lily”
-H: Levi Oscar ShortonD: Gia Hayley
-H: Samuel Owen Merry
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DW: Josephine Adella (Parrish) Dayton
DH: Arthur Noah Dayton--DS: Kit Roderick Dayton
DW: Diana Amalia (Hart) Dayton
-DD: Kya Clare Dayton
-DS: Palmer Ephraim Dayton
-DS: Hollis True Dayton
-DD: Lilia Esperanza Dayton
-DD: Kimora Winifred Dayton DS: Jacoby Stuart Dayton
DW: Liana Isabel (Andrews) DaytonDD: Eleri Catherine (Dayton) Conway
DH: Owen Rhys ConwayDS: Ashwin Louis Dayton
DW: Henrietta Irene (Darcy) DaytonDD: Sora Demelza (Dayton) North
DH: Zachariah Irwin NorthDD: Maelys Lorena (Dayton) Atwater
DH: Nathaniel Isaac Atwater
Dog: Tillie
Cat: HelgaCat: Angel
Dog: Elmo
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Ichirō Noah ❤️ Ise Annabel (née Louison)
Calypso Tess
Rafferty Stuart
Auden Keziah “Audie”
Thor Cassander
Vespera Frederica
Aidan Rowdy Alexandra, the Devon Rex
Percy, the Doberman Fonzie, the Finnish Spitz †
Jojoba, the LaPerm †[Ichirō & Ise || Calypso, Rafferty, Audie, Thor, Vespera, Aidan || Alexandra, Percy]
Calypso Tess ❤️ Apollo Cheon
Tempest Mae
Maso Flavian
Gaia Ivy
Xanthe Dahlia
Taurus Thomas
Exp. Shiloh Esmeralda [Calypso & Apollo || Tempest, Maso, Gaia, Xanthe, Taurus, Shiloh]
Rafferty Stuart ❤️ Cleo Iris (née Argyll)[Rafferty & Cleo]
Auden Keziah “Audie” ❤️ Mungo Eun[Audie & Mungo]
Thor Cassander ❤️ Larosa Ambre (née Reyes)[Thor & Larosa]
Vespera Frederica ❤️ West Isaiah [Vespera & West]
Aidan Rowdy ❤️ Liv Ottoline (née Wade) [Aidan & Liv]
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DH: Cohen Oliver Abbott
DW: Scarlett Tesni {Asher} AbbottDS: Boston Andrew Abbott
— DW: Serena Nomiki {Athanasiou} Abbott
— DS: Eiden Palmer Abbott
— DS: Kyren Hollis Abbott
— DD: Quincy Violette Abbott
— DD: Mazie Aleyna Abbott
— DD: Indy Lilia AbbottDD: Keely Blair Abbott
— DW: Parisa Delara RostamiDD: Winslet Sloan {Abbott} Olsen
— DH: Alexander Grant OlsenDD: Sorrel Esmarie Abbott
— DH: Nicolas Victor Alves

DS: Jedidiah Anthony Abbott
— DW: Lauren Elyse {Reynolds} AbbottDD: Sosie Allison Abbott
— DH: Ian Alfred NovakChartreux: Serge
Maltese: Isla Jack Russell Terrier: Titan [d]
Scottish Fold: Bonnie [d]
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DW: Coraline Ophelia Gardner (nee Terrence)
DH: Timothy Adam GardnerDD: Christabel Giovanna Landon-Gardner
-DW: Clarissa Areti Landon-Gardner
--ADS: Florian Imre Landon-Gardner
--ADS/ADS: Viggo Mael Landon-Gardner/ Eldar Gael Landon-Gardner
--ADS: Henrik Sacha Landon-Gardner
--ADS: Ragnar Thiago Landon-Gardner
--ADS: Sven Livio Landon-GardnerDS: Sebastian Dinghy Olson-Gardner
-DH: İzzet Friedrich Olson-GardnerDD: Rosemarie Aven Ishida (nee Gardner) “Rosie”
-DH: Royale Nelson IshidaDD: Evora Nerys Gardner-Yim “Evie”
-DW: Ayanna Sophie Gardner-YimDD: Jessamine Amalie Metz (nee Gardner) “Jess”
-DH: Christopher Ascelin MetzDD: Susannah Bay Escobar Gardner
-DW: Orquídea Rayén Escobar GardnerDCat: Yoko
DCat: Ysabeau
DDog: MackCoraline & Timothy Gardner: Christabel, Sebastian, Rosie, Evie, Jess, & Susannah
Christabel & Clarissa Landon-Gardner: Florian, Viggo, Eldar, Henrik, Ragnar, & Sven
Sebastian & İzzet Olson-Gardner
Rosie & Royale Ishida
Evie & Ayanna Gardner-Yim
Jess & Christopher Metz
Susannah & Orquídea Escobar Gardner
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DW: Persephone "Perry" Anthemion [Reyville] Reychiban [femme nonbinary bisexual; they/them]
DW: Iris Siobhann [Ichiban] Reychiban [cis lesbian woman; she/her] DD: Dionne Whimsy [Reychiban] Lopez [adopted; straight cis woman; she/her]
-DH: Hilario "Rio" Enrique Lopez [straight cis man; he/him]
-DS: Ennis Marceau Lopez
-DD: Brynn Lunet Lopez
-DS: Roark Dolan Lopez DD: Keely Pomeline [Reychiban] Nyquist [IVF; straight cis woman; she/her]
-DH: Isidore "Sid" Anthony Nyquist [straight cis man; he/him]DD: Lucine Sonnet [Reychiban] Reychibano [adopted; bisexual cis woman; she/her]
-DSp: Tuesday Honeysett [Urbano] Reychibano [nonbinary lesbian; they/them] DD: Peony Nerys [Reychiban] Eoghan [IVF; straight cis woman; she/her]
-DH: Sesbastian "Bash" Bartholomew Eoghan [bisexual trans man; he/him] DD: Charis Monet [Reychiban] West [IVF; straight trans woman; she/her]
-DH: Lucian Lloyd West [straight cis man; he/him]DD: Akira Calanthe Teranzio-Reychiban [adopted; lesbian cis woman; she/her]
-DW: Odette "Odie" Rosalind Teranzio-Reychiban [pansexual cis woman; she/her] DDog: Pacifico [Newfoundland]
DCat: Greta Gerwig "Gigi" [Maine Coon]
DDog: Mai Tai [Jack Russel Terrier; deceased]
DCat: Harlequin [Bengal; deceased]
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DH: Silvestro Carlo Agosti
DW: Nadia Diana IlvesDS: Samuel Artur "Sam" Agosti
DD: Rosemarie Mabel "Romy" Agosti
DD: Cecilia Hazel "Celia" Agosti
DS: Francis Alfonso "Frank" Agosti
DD: Elisabeth Chiara "Betty" Agosti
DD: Susanna Evelyn "Sue" AgostiDBombayCat: Kali
DSloughiDog: Lola
DSpitzDog (dec): Helmi
DCat (dec): Hobbes***
DS1: Samuel Artur "Sam" Agosti
DW: Agnes Calanthe ArmbrusterDS: Lucien Carlo Agosti
DD: Clare Winifred Agosti
DD: Dania Raquel Agosti
DS: Matheo Ulises Agosti
DD: Solana Ruth "Lana" Agosti***
DD1: Rosemarie Mabel "Romy" Agosti
DH: Maxime Edouard "Max" Duchesne***
DD2: Cecilia Hazel "Celia" Agosti
DW: Laverne Albertine Reese***
DS2: Francis Alfonso "Frank" Agosti
DW: Christina Ingrid Ahlberg***
DD3: Elisabeth Chiara "Betty" Agosti
DH: Wilson Isidro "Bill" Lowell***
DD4: Susanna Evelyn "Sue" Agosti
DH: Layton Orville Wayne*****
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H: Paul Andreas Rudolf
W: Iris Sabine IsadoraS: Sam Fitzwilliam Levi
S: Ewan Munro Mackenzie (dec)
D: Antonella Sophronia Delphine
D: Lily Catherine Eleri
D: Marie Emiliana Marta
D: Aurelie Lorna Letitia
S: Alexander Dionysius Gerard Cat: Pompadour (Dec)
Cat: Jourdain
Dog: SkipperPaul & Iris; Sam, Ewan, Antonella, Lily, Marie, Aurelie, and Alexander, and their cat Jourdain and dog Skipper.*
S: Sam Fitzwilliam Levi
W: Adele Dorothee ElodieS: Boaz Marius Sam
S: Willem Baptiste Albin
S/S/S/S: Augustin Munro Mackenzie, Conrad Yuri Valentin, Julius Pavel Damian, and Sander Giacomo AntoineSam & Adele; Boaz (Bo), Willem (Wills), Augustin (Gus), Conrad, Julius (Jules), and Sander.**D: Antonella Sophronia Delphine
H: Indio Griffin HunterAntonella (Nell) & Indio. ***

D: Lily Catherine Eleri
H: Thomas Sean HarrisonLily & Thomas (Tom).****D: Marie Emiliana Marta
W: Ruby Isla CarolineMarie (May) & Ruby. *****D: Aurelie Lorna Letitia
H: Atlas Matthias EltonAurelie (Ari) & Atlas. ******S: Alexander Dionysius Gerard
W: Annemarie Natalia NaoiseAlexander (Alec) & Annemarie.
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DH: Charles Oliver Anderson "Charlie"
DW: Sophie Therese Abbott AndersonDS: Axel Henry Anderson
DS: Nicholas Ridley Anderson "Nick"
DD: Lilly Belle Anderson
DD: Beatrice Marie Anderson
DD: Eloisa Jane Anderson "Ellie"
DD: Alexia Catherine AndersonDDog: Kiki Anderson (Dec)
DCat: Luna Anderson (Dec)
DCat: Katya Anderson
DDog: Malta Anderson--
DS: Axel Henry Anderson
DW: Clara Ophelia Sanford AndersonDS: Foster Lucien Anderson
DD: Eleanora Madalyn Anderson "Nora"
DS: Palmer Hollis Anderson
DD: Lilia Seraphina Anderson
DD: Quincy Violette Anderson--
DS: Nicholas Ridley Anderson "Nick"
DW: Madeleine Elise Alcott Anderson "Maddie"--
DD: Lilly Belle Anderson Thompson
DH: Andrew Scott Thompson--
DD: Beatrice Marie Anderson Voss
DH: Everett Ray Voss--
DD: Eloisa Jane Anderson Vincent "Ellie"
DH: Emerson Ryan Vincent--
DD: Alexia Catherine Anderson Nelson
DH: Adam Isaac Nelson
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W: Jewel Artemisia {Pickins} Donohue
H: Arthur Nathaniel DonohueS: Levi Alistair
S: Milo Janus
S: Philip Wolfram
D: Beryl Peony
S: Ivan Edmund
D: Cataleya MaeveDog: Mimosa the Finnish Spitz
Cat: Cleopatra the Turkish Angora
Cat: Petit the Maine Coon
Dog: Ginger the Barbet***S: Levi Alistair Donohue
-W: Cosmina Anthea {Lane} Donohue--S: Viggo Rafal
--S: Boaz Gustavo
--S: Ruben Leander
--S: Nikolai Jesper
--S: Olivier Timeo
--S: Tobias Hector***S: Milo Janus Donohue
-W: Ippolita Fabiola {Obando} Donohue***S: Philip Wolfram Donohue
-W: Roxana Naomi {Ivers} Donohue***D: Beryl Peony {Donohue} Yoxall
-H: Augustine Seth Yoxall***S: Ivan Edmund Donohue
-W: Coral Agatha {Moran} Donohue***D: Cataleya Maeve {Donohue} Endicott
-H: Orion Rohan Endicott
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DW: Cecily Ophelia Thomas
DH: Tiernan August Galloway
DS: Roderick Aidan Galloway
--DH: Galen Isidore Laurens
--DD: Bridget Vivien
--DS: Devin Marcel
--DD: Sylvie Christobel
DD: Ebba Fionnuala Galloway
--DH: León Yves Faulkner
DS: Damiano Wolfram Galloway
--DW: Ludovica Octavia Wagner
DD: Alexandra Nerys Galloway
--DW: Elizabeth Rosetta Bachman
DS: Lucas Cassian Galloway (Luke)
--DW: Lilah Oriane Sempers
DD: Nyssa Rosalba Galloway
--DH: Silas Oliver Mandel
Cat: Asra
Dog: Remus
(deceased) Dog: Sebastian Kai "Seb"
(deceased) Cat: Luna Cleopatra
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DH: Clive Oswald Thomas (Jamaica)
DW: Thelma Alberta George (Jamaica)DD1: Antoinette Pauline Thomas (Jamaica)
DH: Damien Alphonse Herbert (Haiti)
DS1: Achille Gaspard Herbert
DS2: Zeno Clement Herbert
DS3: Antoine Conrad Herbert
DS4: Jules Cesar Herbert
DS5: Raul Marius Herbert
DS6: Leander Baptiste HerbertDS1: Silas Winston Thomas (Jamaica)
DW: Lucille Ignatia Adams (Jamaica)DD2: Melusine Hannah Thomas (Jamaica)
DH: Olimpio Rodríguez Cruz (Dominican Republic)DD3: Larissa Alexandra Thomas (Jamaica)
DH: Hector Ismaël Delmont (Martinique)DD4: Lillian Elizabeth Thomas (Jamaica)
DH: Zachary Ian Naveira (Puerto Rico)DD5: Melissa Whitney Thomas (Jamaica)
DH: Norbert Isaiah Asgarali (Trinidad)Dog: Kylie (dec)
Cat: Paisley (dec)
Cat: Nocturn
Dog: Clove
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H: Paris Aurelian Renwick
W: Io Sibylla IgnatiusS: Kit Ishmael Renwick
- D: Georgina Ingrid Lovelace
-- D: Flora Nimue Renwick
-- S: Stellan Twain Renwick
-- D: Maple Amoret RenwickD: Hallie Pomeline Renwick
- H: Leopold Yves FairfaxD: Loveday Arabella Renwick
- H: Ludovico Ottaviano WolframD: Jenny Larissa Renwick
- H: Erasmus Roger BenedictD: Merryn Jessamine Renwick
- H: Love Ossian Sinclair S: Wes Alexander Renwick
- W: Seraphina Ophelia Mandeville𓃡: Kelpie (Scottish Terrier) ✝
𓃠: Cleopatra (Turkish Angora) ✝
𓃠: Vishenka (Siberian)
𓃡: Ithaca (Maltese)
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DH: Carlos Óscar Torres
DW: Tatiana Agnès Grec
DS1: Roderic Ernest Torres Grec
DD1: Emma Daniela "Emi" Torres Grec
DS2: Daniel-Alexandre "Alexandre" Torres Grec
DD2: Cecília Henrietta "Cece" Torres Grec
DS3: Eduard Luke "Eddie" Torres Grec
DD3: Mariah Gabriela Torres Grec
DDog(dec): Jasmine "Minnie" Torres Grec (Finnish Spitz)
DCat(dec): Astrid Torres Grec (Norwegian Forest Cat)
DCat: Anya Torres Grec (Siberian)
DDog: Iona Torres Grec (Maltese)
DS1: Roderic Ernest Torres Grec
-DW: Hilda Elba León
—DD1: Bettina “Bettie” Martine
—DD2: Jessamine “Jessie” Sue
—DS1: Cecilio Alvis
—DD3: Henriette Ignacia
—DS2: Llewellyn Igor
—DS3: Vinnie Elroy
—DD4: Peggy Doreen
—DS4: Ebenezer Fergus
DD1: Emma Daniela "Emi" Torres Grec
-DH: Ion Aritz Núñez
DS2: Daniel-Alexandre "Alexandre" Torres Grec
-DW: Tabea Hanna Urban
DD2: Cecília Henrietta "Cece" Torres Grec
-DH: Sergi Enric Bosch
DS3: Eduard Luke "Eddie" Torres Grec
-DW: Lillita Lluïsa Williams
DD3: Mariah Gabriela Torres Grec
-DH: Oriol Ramon Tomàs
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DH: Tobias Anthony Gilmore
DW: Catharine Olive "Kit" [Tallmadge] GilmoreDS: Rye Ernest Gilmore
-DW: Caroline Aileen [Lyons] Gilmore
--DD: Lilia Raquel Gilmore
--DS: Foster Wren Gilmore
--DS: Lucien Carl Gilmore
--DD: Clare Violette Gilmore
--DD: Ivey Winifred GilmoreDD: Keely Rosemarie [Gilmore] O'Brien
-DH: Ian Frederick O'BrienDD: Cecile Loveday [Gilmore] Iverson
-DH: Robert Neil "Rob" IversonDD: Marta Beatriz [Gilmore] Yates
-DH: Arlen Sebastian YatesDD: Elisabeth Jane Gilmore-Martinez
-DH: Corey Alberto MartinezDS: Susannah Callan [Gilmore] Evashchuk
-DH: Oleksandr Roman "Sandy" EvashchukDcat: Veda
Ddog: BritainDdog (dec.): Cain
Dcat(dec.): Astrid
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DW: Melody Indigo Nichols nee Dawson
DH: Casper Ephraim Nichols
DS1: Levi Cole Nichols
DS2: Ridley Kirk Nichols
DD1: Selkie Enola Nichols
DS3: Nilo Scott Nichols
DD2: Ismene Sora Nichols
DD3: Mae Thisbe Nichols
DDog: Onni
DCat: AmberMelody & Casper
Levi | Ridley | Selkie | Nilo | Ismene | Mae
(-Onni--Amber-)-***DS1: Levi Cole Nichols
DW: Annice Chanel Nichols nee Adams
DD1: Zendaya Vivian Nichols
DS1: Emilian Roland Nichols
DS2: Peregrine Bruno Nichols
DD2: Aurora Grace Nichols
EXP: Tallulah Winifred NicholsLevi & Annice
Zendaya | Emilian | Peregrine | Aurora | Tallulah***DS2: Ridley Kirk Nichols
DW: Clarice Iphigenia Nichols nee Arles

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DH: Ihor Nazarovych Denysenko
DW: Itka Angela Denysenko, née LevensteinDD: Dagmar Pauline Denysenko
- DH: Genadi Ivaylov "Gena" Lyubenov
-- DD: Kaya Aurora Lyubenova
-- DS: Eliot Scorpio Lyubenov
-- DD: Hilda Ivara Lyubenova
-- DS: Tobias Ivo Lyubenov
-- DD/DS: Una Sylvia Lyubenova OR Rufus Apollo LyubenovDS: Rafael Stuart "Raf" Denysenko
- SO: Lela Yesenia FloresDD: Hannah Melusine Waynes, née Denysenko
- DH: LaPrince Osbourne WaynesDD: Gabriela Estelle "Brie" Bruni, née Denysenko
- DH: Enrico Rodoaldo "Rico" BruniDS: Leonard Gregor "Leon" Denysenko
- DW: Lizbeth Odetta "Liz" Denysenko, née SchroederDD: Susannah Arielle "Suzie" Melnyk, née Denysenko
- DH: Sidney Oleksandr "Sid" MelnykDDog: Helmi (Finnish Spitz)
DCat: Zara (Turkish Angora)
DCat: Piers (Chartreux)
DDog: Kelsey (Maltese)
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4)H: Ian Nicholas Drexler
W: Imogen Alice Lowman Drexler*D1: Margaret Carissa Drexler Lawrence
H: Henry Edmund LawrenceD1: Deborah Cheryl Lawrence
S1: Jeffrey Wayne Lawrence
D2: Beverly Pamela Lawrence
*D2: Kathrine Adela Drexler-Nathanson
W: Irene Anne Drexler-Nathanson*D3: Alexandra Laney Drexler Upton
H: Thomas Howard Upton*D4: Julianna Carter Drexler Eskesen
H: Søren Brian Eskesen*S1: Cassander Pierce Drexler
W: Lillian Louise Westlake Drexler*D5: Susannah Hayley Drexler
H: Oscar Raymond Todd Drexler*DDog: Blue Neptune (Jack Russel Terrier)
DCat: Frida Liv (Norwegian Forest Cat)DCat: Bastet (Abyssinian)
DDog: Jersey (Maltese)
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H: Percy Adam Rosenthal
W: Ingrid Sibylla IveyD: Paola Ada Rosenthal
-H: Admasu Mekre Ejigu
--D: Romilly Sibyl Ejigu
--S: Percival Idris Ejigu
--D: Anthea Nimue EjiguD: Isolde Pomeline Rosenthal
-W: Roxane Iris CharrierS: Theseus Kasper Rosenthal
-W: Allegra Nicola NanceD: Peony Larissa Rosenthal
-H: Ivaylo Goranov HadzhievD: Charis Fiammetta Rosenthal
-H: Tillman Sebastian HaasD: Leocadia Edelweiss Rosenthal
-H: Arthur David EisenbergerBombay cat: Shyama
Sloughi: Yahya
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