[Facts] Re: Edrit//Etrit/Atrit (m) (Medieval English name of Anglo-saxon origin)
in reply to a message by thegriffon
That makes sense—scribes often adjusted spellings based on their own dialects, so the variations in spelling are understandable. The idea that the second element could be rit ('counsel') from the Gothic or Burgundian influence seems reasonable, and it fits with the shift from ric ('ruler') to rit.
So, the name could be interpreted as 'wealthy counselor' or something similar, rather than 'wealthy ruler.' The regional influences help explain the different spellings.
So, the name could be interpreted as 'wealthy counselor' or something similar, rather than 'wealthy ruler.' The regional influences help explain the different spellings.
These kind of dithematic names are rarely if ever a noun phrase (adjective + noun) that have a unified semantic meaning, they should be treated instead separate elements of distinct meaning joined together. Like Maryanne. So wealth/fortune + counsel, not lucky advice. If the combination makes too much sense you have to question whether it is a name or an occupation (e.g Wealhstod) or nickname.
Can any of you give me a "specific" answer regarding the possible etymology of this name? (if it's possible of course)
The name has been somewhat obscured by the Latin scribe who uses Burgundian styling. But the elements seem to be Aud- wealth (OE Ead-) related to a verb Audan- (Eaden-) grant, give; and redaz ( often with umlaut to rad) thought, advice, from a root meaning think, arrange, (put in) order. It's earliest onomastic uses rad may have had indo-Iranian influences in which what is put in order is not ones thoughts but ones estate.
I should add that the East Germanic -rit (advice) may have been later interpreted as ríd, ríde/rít (rider) by West Germanic readers (a rare alternative to ridda, Ritto occurring as a prefix in some compounds, from *rídijō instead of *riddjō {the latter with inexplicable shortening of the long vowel}), in much the same way as -head (status) and heath get mixed up in the west and north Germanic names.
This message was edited 2/11/2025, 1:51 PM