previous round:

This will be one big family where will try to find unusual names for the namebank. I encourage you to use the less common names!
CHILD NINE’s CHILDRENThey have seven daughters (if you like one more daughter, feel free to add another)
The big namebank might be overwhelming so you could make it a count-along CAF (
Maximiliana Enna Caïssa Acanthis Isilee Tessibel Danise Bellotte Grethel Merciful Acheflow Calwyn Thametes Adamanta Esmeree Kathyanne Delphinium Momo Beloved Gwenore Adelytė Trilby Capitola Aelin Kaya Dianora Betsinda Monimia Eucharis Tulippa Affery Carietta Hatsumomo Airelle Khione Diotima Myrcella Blanchefleur Valancy Alemandine Fairamay Nienor Carmilla Alicent Kosjenka Vespina Dovesary Blasine Hermondine Aliena Nivetta Catelyn Almáriel Falkny Lenomie Dyonise Blondine Nocturna Historia Amren Chrysogone Antikonie Lisse Eirena Brienne Fig Antinéa Otacília Clarentine Hopeful Arabel Lobelia Eldalótë Britomart Psamanthe Arrietty Loveday Clea Idonia Arryn Rhaella Galleria Ellimere Caddy Imajane Aslauga Lucifera Clorinda Rhine Astery Elyabel Beauvivante Margaery Imperia Glimmer Selyse
formerly Belphoebe
I am in the mood
to dissolve
in the sky.
- Virginia Woolf