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[Facts] Re: Mitsuka
Mitsuka isn't a common girl's name, possibly because it is also a surname, and surnames as first names are disallowed in Japan. This means that a child cannot have a given name written with a spelling that is in use as a surname, such as 観束 or 三塚. It's not impossible for a kanji name to be read as almost anything, but people will assume that 光子 is Mitsuko, because 子 is such a common feminine name suffix and is almost always pronounced KO. 光子 as Mitsuka isn't just nonintuitive--many kanji name spellings are nonintuitive--it looks wrong.

This message was edited 1/19/2025, 10:02 AM

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Manga and anime frequently use names that are not commonly used in real-life Japan. I've noticed that quite a few people seem to assume that a name is Japanese because they saw it in a manga or anime. (Japanese pop culture also often uses foreign words as names that would not be considered names in the languages they originate. For example, there are anime characters named Light and Death, but English-speakers wouldn't consider those to be names.)On another note, pop culture names also tend to be disallowed in Japan.

This message was edited 2/3/2025, 3:47 PM

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