[Opinions] Re: Common names
in reply to a message by Anya Mel’nik or Mel’nyk
I like a lot of common names, but I wouldn't choose them for a first name for my children. A middle is much preferred.
Some of the most common names in my experience: Thomas, Sean (and varients), Daniel for boys and Rebecca, Sarah and Lauren for girls

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Some of the most common names in my experience: Thomas, Sean (and varients), Daniel for boys and Rebecca, Sarah and Lauren for girls

"one particular boogie will move mirror massaging with stirring crepe mixture, positioning loaves while in the furnace then toting items in containers" ~ best Russian daing sites (guest, 198.144.149.xxx) (2020)
I've never met a Thomas with any variant. Of all form I like Toma most. Toma can be short name of Tamara but I like it as full name on boy too. I also like short name Tomek in Polish.
Sean is variant of Ivan, I have met many people called Ivan and I have met people called Ivanna.
Daniel I have met many in variants Daniil, Danylo, Danyil.
Rebecca I never met or any variants, but I love Yiddish Rifka variant!
Sarah is nice, I met 2 people called Sara but never with h.
Lauren always sounds like male name to me. I never met any Laurens before, but I met kid called Lavrentiy before. I went to school with him in my old city. I like the name (Lavrentiy) but first thing that comes to mind is Beria... I like Lauren as well, it seem more male to me.
Sean is variant of Ivan, I have met many people called Ivan and I have met people called Ivanna.
Daniel I have met many in variants Daniil, Danylo, Danyil.
Rebecca I never met or any variants, but I love Yiddish Rifka variant!
Sarah is nice, I met 2 people called Sara but never with h.
Lauren always sounds like male name to me. I never met any Laurens before, but I met kid called Lavrentiy before. I went to school with him in my old city. I like the name (Lavrentiy) but first thing that comes to mind is Beria... I like Lauren as well, it seem more male to me.
This message was edited 2/12/2025, 11:28 AM